2. birthday boy

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it's the 26th of november, 11:36pm. you've had a busier day than usual, co workers even more annoying than usual, deadlines pressing in on all sides, and extra work from a sick colleague to top off the pressure. you didn't get home until a couple hours ago, barely even acknowledging yeol before rushing upstairs to carry on working. you can't even remember the last time you had a proper meal, yoghurt at breakfast being the last time you ate.

you glance up at the clock again. great, it's now officially the next day and the end of your workload isn't even in sight, let alone the extra piece on photoshop you had been working on for yeol's birthday. you sigh loudly, burying your face in your hands and rubbing your fingers into your temples to sooth the pounding headache.


you glance up through your fingers, and see your shy babyboy fidgeting with his fingers in the doorway.

'hey, baby, what's up?'

'oh it's nothing, i just...' he stops mid sentence, soft sigh leaving his lips. 'never mind. can i have a hug?'

your features softening, you stretch your arms out, and he melts straight into your arms. he smells like his strawberry toothpaste, the ones that kids usually use, and it melts your heart just a little. yeah, you think. this is exactly what i needed to destress.

that is, until you catch sight of the date on the wall.

27th november 2018.

and promptly, you burst into tears.

'oh my god, yeol, babyboy, happy birthday... i cant believe i forgot.. i haven't even finished your birthday piece, i didn't even get you anything! and i've been ignoring you for like the past week because of work..'

'no, (y/n), listen' he interrupts you. 'don't worry about the birthday piece, don't worry about a present. all i want is you; you without the stress, without the workload. you don't have to do all this extra work to be enough, i just want you.'

it's as if the weight has been lifted from your shoulders, yeol's words wrapping a blanket of calm around your shoulders. he tilts your chin up to him, the massive height difference making him seem impossibly more adorable. he leans forward until you can taste his strawberry breath, whispering 'i love you' before your lips meet.


written: 22/12/18
a/n: a reminder to my friend ultsyeol to not overwork and enjoy the christmas holidays :)
(also yeah lmao i put them in a book)

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