Daddy's little princess

Start from the beginning

"You're trespassing so we take precaution. Usually when someone is trespassing it isn't a young kid out for a stroll," the officer joked. "But now your littering which is a 500 dollar fine not to mention the fine for trespassing, so maybe lights are appropriate after all," the officer said sternly. 

When Alex heard the word fine he snapped out of his daze. "What? This is ridiculous! I'm out getting exercise, aren't you baby boomers always harping on us millennials for being lazy!" 

"Exercise? Tell me kid, where were you heading at this hour? And just so you know I'm well aware of the drug deals happening in this place around this time, I'd appreciate if you just told the honest truth, it would make this process a whole lot easier," the officer. 

Fuck, this was going to be a hard one. How was Alex supposed to tell this man that he was waiting around so that he could get fucked by a stranger he met online? That sounded more like a lie than when he told the teacher his dog ate his homework. As if on cue, that's when Alex felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Without thinking he reached in his jacket to grab it but before his hand could reach the zipper it was caught between the officer's grasp. 

"Keep your hands out of your pocket!" Before Alex knew it his hands were pinned behind his back. 

"I'm just trying to grab my phone! You're not honestly going to handcuff me? Are you serious! I'm not even causing problems!" Ironically, that's when Alex started to kick and scream. "Let me go!" He shouted. Of course, to Alex's defense, he wasn't in his right mind. In fact, as much as he'd hate to admit, he was becoming scared. If his good Christian parents found out about this encounter, Alex was sure to have his electronics taken away, and if that happened, Alex could kiss his hookups goodbye. 

"You're not under arrest, but I'm going to handcuff you for both of our safety since you're quite the kicker. Then you're going to get in this car and I am going to take you home," the officer said. Oddly, his voice wasn't entirely stern, almost disappointed. "Listen kid, my names Officer Niall, call me Niall for all I care, I hate seeing young kids like you throwing your life away. I don't think you're here for any conspicuous business, but you did litter and you did trespass so protocol is I take you home," Niall said. 

That's when Alex pushed against the side of the car and he heard the infamous sound he'd only ever heard when he played Grand Theft Auto, the notorious click of a pair of handcuffs. 

As expected, the metal was cold, maybe even colder from the outside air so they stung. Not to mention, the rings were sharp against his wrists. 

"Ouch," Alex winced. Immediately, feeling embossed Alex conjured up his bravado, "fuck this shit," he spat, though it was audibly forced. 

"Wanna tell me what you were really doing out here? You look a little old for the play ground," Niall said. 

"I told you I was just out for a walk  – " then Alex stopped.  Niall had started to pat down his sides. "Hey what are you doing?"

"Look, I told you, there been a narcotic bust here, so we've been warned to take precaution. You young kids like to carry around your switchblades, and Swiss army knifes and what's that new gadget? Chatsnap? 

"My god your such a dad," Alex chuckled. Then he stopped. "Uh sorry that was probably inappropriate," Alex cleared his throat. 

"Jeez, have I reached that age? I'm hardly thirty but I'm ancient to you kids,"

  "I'll stop calling you ancient when you stop calling me a kid," Alex teased. His smile quickly faded when he felt a jolt. Niall had grabbed his hips and moved him a few inches over so he could swing the driver door open. Alex was confused, and maybe his mind was beyond exhaustion, but there was something about being manhandled so effortlessly that brought a blush to his cheeks. Not to mention the restraints on his write sort of started to feel... nice?

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