Chapter 20

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Narrator's POV

For the next couple of weeks things became a routine. Go to school, talk to the girls boyfriends and Hayden, eat, do homework, and sleep. There was also the occasional sleepover.

Hayden and Annie's groups started hanging out more because of the relationships

Hayden finally admitted his feelings for Annie to his friends

Thanksgiving went great for everyone and they started decorating for Christmas a couple days later.

Annie's family planned a Christmas party and Annie invited Harriet and her family, Austin and his family, Iris and her family, Jax and his family, Paisley and her family, Cameron and his family, Kayla and her family, Jake and his family, Serbrina and her family, Drake and his family, and Hayden and his family.

Hayley invited some of her friends and their parents invited some of their friends.

So that was that

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So that was that. I know it's vague but I really need to get the Christmas chapter out by tomorrow. So yeah. The Christmas chapter is picking up on Christmas Eve and it's going all the way through Christmas Day in the Characters time so get ready!! Make sure you comment and vote by clicking on that star below!!

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