Chapter 2

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     As the sun rises, I notice Frisk waking.  I suppose they rise with the sun, just as the day breaks.  They look around and seem both frightened but confused, then relaxes again as they likely remember what took place yesterday.  They sit up and I can see the confusion still on their face, probably looking for me.  I drop out of the tree silently, landing in a practiced move.  I guess I'm out of practice slightly though because Frisk turns their head and looks at me.  They smile at me and I smile back, cautiously.  I'm still not used to the expression anymore. 

"Good morning!  How did you sleep?" they ask, and I shrug, looking around into the woods. 

"I didn't sleep, I was watching the area around the camp to make sure that no one was going to attack us," I tell them, and I miss their reply.  I walk to where the fire was and kick dirt and leaf litter onto where the ashes are.  I pick up my sleeping bag and place it in my inventory.  I look at Frisk. 

// Can you walk, or should I carry you?// I ask, and she tries to stand up.  She winces but she nods. 

//I can walk.// 

// Okay.  If you say so, Frisk.  Just let me know if you need a break, I'll carry you.// 

//What do you mean?// 

// I'll escort you to the base.  I know you're more than capable of taking care of yourself, but you're injured, and I know that you have no weapon on you.  Well, nothing other than that tree branch you found ages ago.// 

     She nods and the two of us start walking in the direction of the monster's base.  We get about halfway there by noon, and I can't help but wonder how Frisk got so far from her home.  It's a good few hours away even still, but we've found a small shed to take shelter in for the the few hours that the sun is highest.  I pass Frisk a bottle of water and drink from my own canteen, wiping away whatever droplets roll down my chin with my wrist.  I notice Frisk staring at me and I tilt me head and place down my canteen. 

// What?  Do I have something on my face?// 

//No, but your eyes...they're both different colors.  Your left is green and yellow, but your right one is red and orange.  Why?// 

     I feel irrational fear settle in my stomach, but I answer anyway. 

// I was used as an experiment.  They're different colors because of different soul traits that were injected into me.// 

     She seems alarmed at my confession but nods slowly.  I then think of something that I saw a while ago on TV. 

// Hey, Frisk?  What pronouns do you use?// 

//Oh!  I usually go by they - them pronouns, but I really don't have a preference.  Call me whatever pronouns you feel most comfortable addressing me with.// 

// Okay.  I just don't want to misgender you on accident.// She nods, and then she thinks of another question for me. 

//Why do you not speak?  I'm selective mute, but what about you?// 

// I haven't spoken in years.  I think I still can, but I'm not sure.  I haven't tried in a while.  I guess I'm scared of trying to speak again?// 

//How come?// 

// The last time I tried to speak, my voice was very hard to understand and it hurt a lot to speak.  It was after I was injured and just before the ones I thought were family exiled me.  It was not a great time...// 

Rebel Wolf (G!Sans x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora