Chapter 1

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[??? POV (First Person)]

      I dart into the woods after finishing the raid I just did.  Supplies are getting harder and harder to come by these days.  The war has been taxing on a lot of people and monsters.  Morale is running low, nobody trusts anyone.  Monsters and Humans can barely be around each other for five minutes without a problem arising.  The humans with the ability to channel the power of their soul traits are being hunted down and killed as if they were monsters.  Mages are illegal.

     I'm one of the 10,000,000 humans left.  However, I don't rely on anyone.  I only have myself.  I'm alone.  I always have been.  It's easier to be alone nowadays anyway.   If you have someone else, the risk of being betrayed is too high.

      As I'm running through the woods, I hear a twig snap somewhere off to my left.  This causes me to stop and turn my head in the direction of the noise.  I'm unsure of what it could be.  There could be someone waiting to ambush me, it could be an animal, or it could be someone that's hiding or needs help.  Deciding to test my luck, I start walking towards the area the noise came from, rightfully cautious.  Turning around a bush, I spot a kid shaking on the ground.

     I walk over to them and touch their shoulder, crouching down.  They look up at me, frightened.  As soon as I see their face, I recognize them, and it's like a punch to the gut. 

     Frisk.  The Monster Ambassador. 

     I kneel there, staring at them in shock, and I suddenly realize that they're frightened of me.  I force my lips into a small smile before signing to them. 

"Hey, are you okay?  Do you need any help?" I ask them.  They seem wary but nod slowly.  

"Yes, I need help.  I'm lost and injured."

"Okay.  Where are you injured?  I may be able to help you out."

" ankle.  I think I sprained it."  Frisk pauses and thinks for a moment. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't know if you can trust me, but I trust you.  I'll help you and then be on my way.  May I carry you to my campsite?  I have medical supplies there."

     Frisk nods, and I pick them up.  They're taller than they seem on TV.  It's not too surprising, as they're usually around monsters, after all.  I begin walking toward my campsite, making sure I don't lose awareness of my surroundings.  That could be dangerous for both me and Frisk.  We get there relatively quickly and I let Frisk out of my arms.  They sit down on the dirt while I walk to my ratty bookbag.  I pull out an ace bandage and some disinfectant, knowing that Frisk more than likely has a few scrapes. 

     I go back over to the younger teenager and crouch down again, this time next to their outstretched leg.  I glance at Frisk and they nod, letting me know that I can do what I need to, but watch me intently.  I slide their boot and sock off and look at their ankle for a moment before carefully wrapping it up in the ace bandage.  It's sprained, not broken, so that's a relief.  Less to worry about. 

"Thank you," they sign to me and I nod.  

"I know it's hard to get help here, so I wanted to help you."

"Again, thank you.  I'm unsure of if my friends would have found me before dark or not, so your help was a pleasant surprise." Frisk stares at me for a moment, and I know that they're trying to figure out what I am.  However what I wasn't expecting is suddenly being pulled into the black, white, and grey world of a battle.  The surroundings are the same, just tinted differently.  

     Frisk CHECKs me, and I stand still.  They frown and tilt their head. 

//What are you?  And what's your name?// 

"...I'm a mage like you, Frisk.  You can call me Jay."

     Frisk CHECKs me again, and they seem startled.  I bite my lip, knowing what they found.  I've had to redact my stats as I don't want to get struck down the second I encounter someone other than Frisk.

"Your LV and EXP-" They stop before they can get any further and the world is suddenly full of colors again.  I sigh. 

"Is redacted information.  I know." 

     They nod and sit there, fiddling with their locket.  The flash of gold catches my eye, but I don't question it.  I stand up and start grabbing what little food I have stored up.  I was planning on cooking it and eating it for myself, but Frisk needs to eat.  I can't let them go hungry.  Me?  I can survive without much food. 

     I use a match to light a fire and I start cooking.  Frisk is watching me but I ignore it, working on making sure the food isn't overcooked or undercooked.  When it's finally done, I take it off the fire and hand it to Frisk.  It's my last piece of rabbit meat, but it should be fine for Frisk to eat.  They take it and begin eating, but stop when they realize that I'm not eating. 

"You need to eat something," they tell me, and I shake my head. 

"I'm fine.  If you're hurt or hungry, I have a feeling that your friends wouldn't take it well."

     They frown then throw me a Monster Candy.  I pick it up and put it in my own inventory, giving Frisk a small smile.  They stare at me before continuing to eat.  I know that they want me to eat the candy, but I'd rather save it for when I really need it.  

     We sit in silence for a little bit before Frisk yawns. 

"Go to sleep.  I'll keep watch."

     Frisk seems cautious but nods, laying down on the leaf litter.  They fall asleep rather quickly.  I lean against a tree and keep watch, expanding my senses to have full knowledge of the area surrounding my camp.  I call it a camp but really isn't much.  I usually sleep under a bush and I usually have my stuff stored away in the pocket dimension that most call inventories.  

     I hate the fact that there's a war, the fact that monsters and humans alike are fearing for their lives.  I wish we could all get along, but life isn't a fairytale.  I learned that a long, long time ago.  My brother was killed by humans because they were so fearful of him.  My sister was pushed into the underground.  I understand their fears, but it is still slightly irrational. 

     I lived in the Underground far longer than I've been on the surface.  I was the first to fall in for almost a century.  Since some were wary of me, there were tests.  Experiments.  DT injections.  It's how I became who I am.  It's odd how everyone says that the monsters are the ones locked away underground, the ones who were freed three years ago when it's the human's instigation it all.  The real monsters are humans.  

     I stare at the stars, still fascinated by the small lights.  If only the world could be true pacifist...

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