Nicole led Riley out the back. Ruby, Lightning and Blue lifted their heads when they heard people. They were happy to see Nicole, but they were wondering who the other strange person was.

"Three horses?" Riley asked, "I didn't think you were serious when you told me you had three."

"Yeah," replied Nicole, "do you want to pat them?"

Riley nodded his head and Nicole led him into the paddock. In Nicole's opinion, Riley didn't look the least bit scared. He stood tall and smiled when Blue came up to inspect the new comer. Riley held out his hand and allowed Blue to sniff it. And instead of sniffing Riley's hand, Blue licked it. Riley did grimace slightly as his hand was being licked, but Blue didn't bite his fingers and Riley's hand was fine when he was done with it.

Riley looked at Nicole, "he's nice."

Nicole laughed, "now you know he likes to lick."

"He likes to kiss, but he is not as good as me."

Nicole smiled. Finally there was a guy in her life who wasn't not scared of horses. Now that Riley was here, Nicole had two men in her life who were not scared of horses; her father and Riley. Now Riley just needed to stop being scared of Mr Walker or Nicole needed to stop being scared of her father's feelings.

Riley took Nicole's hand in his own, "I know we haven't been dating for a long time, Nic," he said, "but there is something I have to tell you."

Now Nicole was scared.

This sounded bad and she didn't want it to be bad.

"I really like you, like really like you," Riley continued, "in fact, Nic, I think I am in love with you."

Nicole was speechless.

At least Riley wasn't planning on breaking up with her.

But Nicole was not expecting this.

Did Riley know how to love given his past?

Nicole hoped so.

"Riley," Nicole started. That was all she could think of saying.

Riley butt in before Nicole was able to say anything more, "I know I have a reputation and I am not proud of that. And I didn't think that I would be able to love a girl until I met you. And now I have changed, Nicole, because of you."

Nicole was liking this.

Btu she still didn't know what to say.

"I understand if you are not ready to say it back to me," said Riley.

Nicole would have loved to say it, but she had never been in a relationship before and she didn't know what it was like to fall in love, "thanks," she replied.

Riley then kissed Nicole, just to reinforce the fact that he loved her. Nicole liked Riley and she could really see a future with him in it. She didn't know how to say that she loved him yet and she needed time to work that out. At least she knew that Riley wasn't planning on going anywhere and he was willing to wait for her.

And while she was still kissing Riley, Nicole looked through the corner of her eye to the kitchen window.

Her dad was looking.

Nicole pulled away from Riley.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Dad's looking," replied Nicole.

"That's okay," said Riley, "we can always hide behind one of the horses."

Nicole laughed, "maybe, but seriously, we should get back inside. I don't want dad to yell at us and then send you home."

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