Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


           I sit outside the courtroom again in black trousers and a crisp white button down shirt while waiting for my case to advance and be called.

          See, earlier in the year, what had happened was, my friends Jace, Mike and I thought it would be pretty funny to pull a tiny prank while we were high as shit one day in school. Mike had sneaked into the lunch room 3rd period and got shit loads of oil, claiming to everyone that questioned why he had them, that it was for a science project.

         None of us had went to 5th period, but instead sneaked into an empty classroom of this teacher, Mrs.Bloomfield that we hated with all our guts. The bitch failed me & Jace for our lack in projects and simply cause she thought we mocked her class and never took it seriously. Which was true. She was a bitch and we hated her. So Jace took out the matches that he had brought from home, and had said to me, " Would you do the honors Mr.Evans?"

        "Happily," I had replied, taking a bow and smiling widely.

          By then, Mike had covered almost the entire classroom with oil. The desks and chairs and white floor, and especially Mrs. Bloomfield's desk was covered and shiny as hell. With two or three matches, I lit them up and threw them straight into the center of the room. Huge specks of golden and orange began to erupt and then slowly came the flames.

          Me and my boys also erupted with laughter and soon dashed to the door. We suddenly ran straight down the hall, almost tripping over our howling voices. The thought of Mrs. B's face when she entered her classroom was enough to make my sides hurt and kill me right then and there.

          Next thing you know, we bumped into the vice principle, who looked flustered to see Jace, Mike and I. Eventually after giving us a lecture about school safety and running through the halls and blah blah blah, he headed straight to the way that we came from.

          Needless to say, the three of us were caught because we were stupid as shit and could have managed to run the other way so we would enter the lunchroom instead of crashing into the vice principle.

         Now all because of that little act of arson, I'm sitting in this stupid building today. I sigh loudly. Stupid. That's exactly what I am. Jace was able to get out of this bullshit because of his almighty and powerful lawyer of a father. Mike on the other hand, had somehow gotten out of his punishments because his mother and father were involved with the Board of Ed.

          And here I was, about to enter the courtroom with my deadbeat uncle, whom I now live with in Green Bay, Wisconsin, because my parents are too ashamed and irritated with me to have shown up. How fucking great.

         When my case was finally up, my uncle and I strolled into the courtroom with his lawyer, Mr. Jackson. He was a tall, slender man with slick black hair parted to the side. The way he walked said it all. Bigshot. He better be big and bad enough to get me out of this shit.

          As I strolled into the courtroom, I noticed that it was was small, with a couple rows of dark brown benches, leading up to the front. There were three sections up front, a major one consisting of the judge and two small sections beside it with guards in navy uniform standing abruptly. In between the sections and the rows, were 2 sets of black desks and chairs, which we took a seat at.

          "Ah, Mr. Layden Evans. How nice to see you again after our last meeting."

          The judge smiled down at me. She looked like she was in her 50's, but had a gentle glow in her eyes that reminded me of my grandmother. I smiled slightly.

         Mr. Jackson stands and clears his throat as the judge incoherently says something to him. Or maybe I just wasn't listening, too lost in my thoughts.

       "Yes, your honor. I presume that the same discipline is set that we had discussed prior to this court date."

        "Ah, yes. You, Mr. Evans," she turns and looks at me through her glasses, "are in for in a treat. Let me break this down for you. Seeing as you like trouble and are in desperate need of guidance, we have just the right treatment for you. You will serve 6 months community service at the local church nearby, Hope and Faith Ministries twice a week. Now, whichever days you choose to go will be completely up to you, we've given you that ounce of freedom is this decision. We have also notified the pastor and set up your meetings and times and all of that good stuff, so all you have to do is simply show up and lend a helping hand."

       "What the fuc-"

        I didn't even realize I had risen up from my seat until my uncle Ronny's rough hands pulled me back down into the hard cushion. I glared at him, while all eyes in the room were on me, even the guard's at the door and up front were closely watching me.

        "Sit the fuck down and do not get up again until this meeting is finished," he whispered. I looked back up at the judge and by the look in her eyes, boy, I was not about to shoot fire out my mouth directly to her. I resume the good boy attitude. Ever since this whole situation has begun, my top notch smart guy mouth has been repeatedly shot down over and over again. And I was getting sick and tired of it.

         "Like I was saying Mr. Evans, this will be your punishment. I will be keeping tabs on you, as will Mr. Jackson and your family members, to assure we get you on the right path. I hope it won't be as difficult as some of the previous boys I've dealt with, seeing as your grades are high and you have barely had any encounters with the law before. But you know, come to think of it... I wouldn't look at this oncoming situation as a punishment though, seeing as you are only 17 and I believe we can enforce good upon you again. Look at this as an opportunity to be better and do better. The decision is final." She bangs her gravel down on the desk. " It will do you well to oblige."


         After Uncle Ronny dropped me back at the apartment just about 20 minutes away, I rushed inside and slammed the door behind me. I pop down on the couch with a nice, cold beer in my hands with my crisp white shirt open, revealing one of my tattoos drawn very intricately on my upper chest. Community service at a church. What type of shit?

         I must be out of my mind to be volunteering at a church. And for six fucking months at that. It's only about two weeks left in April, and I have to begin this volunteer crap at the beginning of May. I'll even have to be there during my summer vacation! Are you fucking kidding me? I sigh loudly, almost depressed, and lean my head up to the ceiling.

         "Somebody needs to send Superman or a lucky charm or an angel or something to save me from this shit, seriously." I chuckle at the idiotic comment I just made.

          I must be out my mind to "oblige."

          But then again, what other choice do I honestly have?

(A picture of Layden is attached at the side)

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