Chapter 2 - The First Sign

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As I was about to step onto the trian, I spotted Potter and his friends.

Well well, I thought.

Here comes the Golden Trio.

I don't understand why they can't just split off for a few minutes.

That mudblood has always got her arms around the mudblood traitor and the "Boy who Lived" just can't get his hands off that other mudblood traitor girl either!

As I snapped back into reality, I immediatly leapt onto the train as the whistle blew.

What a close call. Next time I thought, I would need to focus a lot.

But just why couldn't I do that?

Once the compartment door shut behind me, I was relieved to see Goyle sitting there.

Now I could leave my doubts and tell him all about the Dark Lord's next plan.

Then, we could also decide which first years to bully.

When I moved in front of a scared looking first year, I was surprised to be stopped by a girl whom I instantly recognised as Granger.

"Can't you pick on people your own size?" she teased with a sneer on her face.

I was just about to pull out my wand and face her, when I noticed her dazzling features.

It was just like seeing the perfect picture of a model.

I also noticed her face soften as she saw my hesistance, but quickly composed herself.

"Too scared to face me Malfoy?" she taunted.

That was when I got really mad.

I shoved my way past her and slammed the compartment door shut as I stomped in to a scared Goyle.

Hadn't she realised that I was actually trying to be nice to her? 

Since I was still away in my thoughts, I hadn't realised that we had actually started slowing down to a stop at Hogwarts.

It was good to be back.

Professor McGonagall ushered us into the Great Hall where we sat down quietly in our houses until Dumbeldore greeted everybody and the Sorting Hat began its song.

I don't know who joined our house.

I wasn't really listening but I was surprised to find that a large majority of the first years had been sorted into Sytherin.

That was probably Voldemort's work.

I wouldn't be surprised if half of their parents where death eaters.

Soon, the Great Feast ended and Dumbledore gave his speech.

Again, it told us to all unite together.

Like we needed that, I thought.

Voldemort was powerful on his own when he was at Hogwarts.

He did and still gets rid of anybody else in his way.

It was then that Pansy came up to me and smirked as she quickly revealed her Dark Mark to me.

Then, she did something that she had finally plucked enough courage to do.

Kiss me.

I pulled away as quickly as possible, and found myself blushing as I saw Hermione watch with a look of disgrace on her face and prance off to tell her friends.

Pansy thought that I was blushing because I liked her, so she pulled me in, to another kiss.

This time, I pulled away again to find a large group gaping at me.

I ran to my room as fast as I could.

How embarrassing.

Hey guys, thanks for the reads, votes and comments. This page is dedicated to one my best friends, @AshleyKatniss and I hope you enjoy it. Will write more soon! ;P <3

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