q u e s t i o n//t h i r t y-t w o

11 3 2

Question 32:

What made you decide to start writing?

My Answer: 

I don't remember thoroughly enough as to why exactly but I have a rough idea of how I did even though it may be incorrect. I had either just finished reading the book Bleeding Hearts or nearly had by @twinkleharryy which is an outstanding book and I would really recommend reading it, it's unbelievable, and she gave me this surge of inspiration to start writing my own story. I just enjoyed reading her's so much and I thought that maybe I could have a go at it and I never regret it because I love writing, I couldn't live without it! 

So thank you @twinkleharryy without you, I would never be here! 

Your Question: 

What was your first ever published book about? Was it cringe-worthy? 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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