thirteen; celebrating

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened dramatically to go along with their games, "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I would. Now, let her go!"

My arms immediately released Phoebe, allowing her to scurry off my bed and next to Daisy. Raising my hands in defeat, I looked over the two who seemed to have grown since I was here just Thanksgiving.

Our mom appeared in the doorway, her arms crossed over her very pregnant stomach with a fond smile set on her lips. "Alright, girls, go downstairs so your big brother can get dressed."

Once they had all filed out of the room, I slowly crawled from beneath the sheets and started to dress in the cold air. Pulling a shirt over my head, I didn't bother changing out of my plaid, pajama pants as I would get properly dressed when dinner time came closer. I took my phone from the nightstand and sent Rainy a quick 'good morning and merry Christmas' text before stepping out into the hallway.

The four girls stood at the top of the staircase watching our mother waddle around the downstairs with impatient looks. "Shoot, I could've sworn I left the camera right here! Oh god, where did I put that thing?"

We, including me (which was a bit ridiculous, considering I would be turning 23 in March), waited for a few moments until we heard an 'aha!' and our mom giving us the hand signal to move down the stairs.

The living room seemed to glitter with the golden wrapped presents and twinkling lights hung on the tree. The fireplace had even been lit, warming up the room from the cold outside. Smells of chocolate chip pancakes and cinnamon buns wafted through the downstairs, my mouth watering at the scent.

"Do you guys want to eat or open presents first?" my mom asked, closing up the video camera and sitting it down on the coffee table.

Daisy squealed, "Presents!"

"I'm actually going to make a cup of tea," I jabbed my thumb towards the kitchen. "But, go ahead and get started. Mom, do you want one?"

"That'd be great, Lou, thanks," she smiled gratefully at me before handing the twins two boxes wrapped in green paper.

The smell was even stronger in the kitchen, almost convincing me to just steal a pancake. I shook my head before putting the kettle on the stove and leaning against the counter. I listened to my sisters' squeals as they opened more presents and waited for the water to boil.

An unexpected buzz vibrated in my pants pocket and I hurried to dig it out to see who the message was from.

From: Rainy

remember that lady who interrupted our lunch when we first met? well she's sitting next to me and keeps asking about you

My eyes drifted away from the phone screen, trying to remember the woman she was talking of. The image of a pudgy woman with the brightest, red lipstick I've ever seen surfaced in my mind, and I laughed softly to myself. I remembered how the woman kepy insisting Rainy was on a date with her new boyfriend and she didn't want to interrupt.

To: Rainy

really? hahaha :D

The kettle screamed and I quickly poured the water into two cups, shades of brown seeping from the tea bags that floated around. I hummed some Christmas song while waiting until I felt it was time to remove the tea bags and add in sugar and cream.

I emerged from the kitchen with a mug in each hand, biting my lip in concentration as to not spill the tea over the brim of the cup.

"Mom," I handed her the mug then sat beside her on the couch.

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