Pastoral scenes

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"I love it when you call me big poppa"
Throw your hands in the air, if you'se a true player
"I love it when you call me big pop-pa"
To the honies gettin' money playin' niggas like dummies
"I love it when you call me big poppa" rang my alarm sharply at 7am. Man I can't believe it the day has finally came I'm finally about to go back to school. Summer break has been exhausting and I'm ready to step back on the beautiful campus of The Illustrious Atlanta A&M University." " Xander Are you up?! We gotta be on the road in a hour, I'm not tryna drive in all that damn traffic! So get up now." "Okay ma I'm up now"  I could already tell the tenseness in my mother's voice early this morning.. that being said she's usually like this when we have to take long drives. As I started to get my self together for the trip I couldn't help but think about all the stuff that on in the spring semester of my freshman year.. when I tell you a lot of things happened boyyyy I'm glad I came out of my freshman year with a passing gpa. I thought about all the party's my lil click used to go to. When I say my click i mean my best friends Tyriq, August and Kiki. Soooo Like for instance on party that came to mind was The Kappas on campus has this wild ass party on the night of homecoming and all the Greeks from neighboring universities came and shit got too crazy niggas started fighting... Girls wigs flying everywhere, drinks were being thrown.. it was too much!.

But that was also the night that I had met my soon to be mentor Charles in which I had recognized his face from the probate that had happened a couple weeks ago. He had just crossed Into Alpha Phi Alpha. So while all of that mess was going my click and I decided that we didn't wanna be involved so we started to make our way back to campus being that the kappa house was just a few minutes away from campus we decided to walk instead of taking a Lyft. " Mannnn them niggas had to start fighting soon as the party was getting good, I was dancing with thick Lil hunny bro. She grinding all hard on me and shit, she def wanted the dick" complained Tyriq. "She ain't want that lil shrimp riq.. she was grinding hard to figure out if you had on or not" jokingly said Kiki. We all laughed except for tyriq. " Yeah whatever I'll show you a shrimp" Tyriq said as he grabbed his junk and reached for Kiki.

As we were walking up the street towards the school we heard the sound of the a loud music and we all turned around to see Charles driving up the street in truck. When he saw us looking he pull over near us " Aye y'all want a ride back to campus?" Said Charles. "Hell yeah" we all said in sync. I sat in the front while Tyriq, August, and Kiki squeezed in the back.  As we drove off I couldn't help but notice how clean his truck was everything was so spotless, he had all his Alpha accessories placed periodically around the inside. Which added a uniqueness to the truck. I guess he tell that was looking around his truck while he was driving " Aye bro you good?" said Charles " Yes I'm good" I said nervously. I couldn't help but be nervous around someone of Charles stature he stood at about 6"3 and had a very muscular build to him. When we arrived on campus he asked us where we all stayed so he could drop us off at our separate dorms. Being that August, Kiki and Tyriq stayed in the freshman dorms on the other side of the campus he decided to drop them off first. Which left me to ride with him alone. As I waved goodbye to my friends Charles started to talk to me "So what's your name?" " my name is Xander" I said. "Xander what?" He replied. " Uhh Xander Edwards" I said back to him. "Well nice to meet you Xander he said while extending his had to dap me up. I'm Charles Blackwell it's nice to meet you." " likewise" I replied. " Are you a freshman?" He asked. " Uhh Yeah what about you?" I replied. "I'm a junior Business and Marketing major" said Charles. " Ohh that's wassup I'm a Chem major. Did that hurt? Noticing a fresh looking brand on his left arm."  I asked. " Nahh it didn't hurt at the slightest. To be honest it actually felt good being that I earned it." He replied. " ohhh okay" I said faintly hoping that would end the conversation. We soon got to my dorm and as I started to get out he said " Aye here's my number. He gave me a piece of paper. If you ever need some advice or wanna chill hit me up ight." " Aight cool I will. Thanks again for the ride bro." I said practically rushing to get inside my dorm. As I was walking to my room I put his number in my contacts and sent him a message so he would have my number. He seem cool I thought to myself as I was opening my suite door. When I walked in I was immediately turned off by the smell of dirty balls and the sound of my roommate breaking some thots back in our room. " Ahhh couch tonight it is. I whispered to myself.

***Authors notes:

Please Excuse any errors! ..... Well guys & gals what do y'all think of the First chapter so far?? How y'all liking Xander and all the other characters so far??

All Criticism, Comments and questions are excepted and greatly appreciated & Please Like and Vote. Again thanks for reading. It's a lot more to come!. Duces ✌🏾

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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