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Sharp pebbles pierced my bare feet,

The sun set, stunning dark hues of night unwinding.

Golden speckles of beauty casted in the sky,

The starkness of the light momentarily blinding.

A gush of wind sparking a fuse of shivers,

Idly my feet traced the path of broken stone.

Thick tears of agony streamed down my face,

Sometimes people are better off alone.

Previous events repeatedly passed before my eyes,

An explosion of pain triggering from my heart.

A deep promise had been broken by such a foolish lie,

Maybe if forever existed I wouldn’t be torn apart.

The path ended at the edge of a murky colored lake,

My reflection glowed, exposing the forged me.

This person staring coldly back wasn’t real at all,

It was a mere imposture others were forced to see.

A tear swelling with pain and sorrow broke free,

Colliding against the water shimmering with light.

The girl I longed to be begged to escape my grip,

But no one could see her, she was a horrendous sight.

My arms spread open like a bird ready for flight,

The feeling of flying far from here too good to be true.

I took the one step that would change it all,

And remember my dear friend, this is all for you.

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