Chapter 52

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It is quite a good day for everyone. Friday morning and in the verge of summer, there's a little heat but that doesn't stop some from getting refreshed by going to their local beaches.

And as the heat rises, as well as Jin's temper is about to out of the meter. He's pacing back and forth, trying to figure out on where in the world Jungkook could be.

"Didn't he told anyone where he will be going?" Jin asked everyone and they all responded with a shake of a head. Their manager has been stressing them in where Jungkook is because he already ditched the second practice with IU.

And as a responsible mother who keeps all her children, Jin is in charge of knowing where he could be.

"Have you called his family?"

"Yeah, I did. But they said he's not in Busan. They also don't have any clue on to where he could be." Hoseok replied with a sad face.

"Where could he could ran off to? Are we not treating him right for him to leave without saying anything?" Jin asked, breathing heavily and Namjoon's quick to catch him in his arms.

Yoongi rolled his eyes to see the two and decided to leave the living room with the other members.

"Calm down, now. Maybe he just went somewhere to cope up with stress or something." Namjoon tried brightening up the mood, making everyone feel at ease and don't worry too much.

Taehyung just pouted and kept on flooding Jungkook's phone with text messages. But sadly, there's still no response from him.

And Jimin in the other hand, is currently lying down on the sofa, foot swinging back and forth. He's basically not worrying about Jungkook getting lost somewhere because he is certain on where he is.

"Jimin, do you know where Jungkook could be?" Jin asked the younger and he shrugged.

"All I know is he's in Beijing right now, and about to attend a wedding later this evening."

"A what?" Jin asked in sheer horror and everyone turned to him from wherever they came from. They all rushed back to hear the good news from Jimin.

"I said, he's in Beijing, about to attend a wedding. Did you guys not get me the first time?" Jimin rolled his eyes, annoyed because his game just ended without even playing it properly.

"Why didn't you tell us immediately?" Namjoon asked, hysterical and scolded him. Jimin just gave him a look and rolled his eyes once again.

"You never asked." And then everyone couldn't believe that Jimin would be giving this kind of attitude when they're all worried to death.


"Do I look okay?" Hyejin asked as she spun around in front of the mirror, checking if her pastel blue long gown looks right. Jungkook's just right behind her, eyes roaming her body and adoring her in every inch.

Hyejin turned to him with a pout and he swore to himself his heart almost stopped. He smiled and poked her right cheek.

"You look great. And why even try looking more beautiful? You're already too gorgeous for me." Jungkook responded and Hyejin tried to stop her smile from showing, pinching Jungkook's sides.

"Argh, I really hate you!"

"Why do you always say that you hate me? Do you not love me anymore?" Jungkook's now the one who's pouting and Hyejin immediately turned soft for the younger.

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