Ch.89: Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over

Start from the beginning

  "Woah, memory lane. Same old house." The brunette said as we walked into the house.

  "Yeah, well, every piece of furniture in this house has been destroyed and replaced since you left, so new house." Buffy explained.

  "Buffy?" I glanced over to see Dawn and Pops in the dining room.

  "We got a new house guest."

  "Hey. Got a spare bed for a wanted fugitive?" Faith questioned as Pops looked at me. I gave an aggressive huff, letting him know I still wasn't over what he had done, and his gaze drifted to the other Slayer as I walked right past.

  "Hello, Faith." Pops crossed his arms.

  "I guess 'wanted' wasn't really accurate."

  "That wasn't for you." Spike muttered, watching me go down the hall toward the kitchen.


  "I'll take you not killing me as a good sign." Robin mumbled as he stood by my desk, and the bell rang. He was mostly healed from his encounter with Spike, and I continued to scribble some notes down in a file.

  "We need you in this fight." I replied lowly, not speaking loud enough for the other workers to hear. "Buffy wants you on our side."

  "I can understand how you don't."

  "Well, if there's at least an understanding, there's no room for a misconception. I'm not your friend, and probably never will be. However, I will keep my personal feelings separate from my professional life since you are still technically my boss."

  "You're fired."

  "What?!" My head jerked up as I looked at Robin.

  "Effective immediately."

  "Why in the Hell are you firing me?" Placing my hands on my desk, I stood up so fast that the backs of my knees sent my chair back into the wall.

  "Aud, there's nothing here for you. I mean, people are already leaving town, and half the kids don't even bother showing up anymore. You've got things to deal with that are worse than anything here- Look at the big picture." He explained. "It's nothing personal, I've already had this conversation with Buffy. Most of those girls have never been in a real fight and are unprepared for the war that's coming. They need you there, training, sparring, fighting- giving these girls the skills you possess as much as you can."

  My shoulders slumped as I took in a deep breath and let it go.

  "I can't really get angry when you make a valid point. Effective immediately, though?" I gave the principal a look, and he closed his eyes while nodding.

  "I didn't think you'd honestly do as well as you did here when I hired you, but....those girls need you more than the kids that aren't even here."


  The house was rather rowdy with the girls all over the place when I got home, but I completely ignored them while making a beeline for the basement. Going down the stairs, I pulled my hair out of its braid and sighed while taking my jacket off when my feet hit the concrete floor. I barely acknowledged Faith leaning on the table while smoking as I tossed my jacket onto the back of a chair and kicked my shoes off.

  Spike just raised his eyebrow at me as I crawled onto the cot and dropped my head into his lap. His hair was messy and he was shirtless, so I assumed he had been asleep not too long ago.

  "What's the matter, pet? Aren't you home a bit early?"

  "Principal Wood fired me." I sighed.

  "Oh, well, you don't need to be workin' for that ponce anyhow." Spike ran his right hand through my hair while his left held a cigarette that he no doubt got from Faith.

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