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I find myself awakened by a terrifying dream that eludes me the second I regain consciousness

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I find myself awakened by a terrifying dream that eludes me the second I regain consciousness. A bit of moonlight shines through my window. It's peaceful. As my racing heart begins to calm itself, I close my eyes again. But the light from the window penetrates my eyelids, distracting me. I slip out of my bed to close the curtains, but find myself looking at the desk by the window. I don't remember what's in the desk. I don't remember anything specific, but I know that's for the best. The most I can do is continue making memories. So I pull open the first drawer. Inside is a leather-bound book. I lift it from its place and open it.

There are several pages ripped out of the front, and the rest are blank. No, wait. I step closer to the window and see some words at the bottom of the first page. Squinting, I can just make out my own handwriting in the dim light. "Hide you in my coat pocket." What does that mean? Could the missing pages possibly be hidden in my coat pocket? What could be written on them? If it's anything bad, surely I shouldn't try to find out. If it is something bad...

My head snaps up to look out the window. The silhouette of a vulture is perched on the roof. Quickly, I draw the curtains closed, cutting off the light. I blindly drop the notebook back in the desk. I start to make my way back to my bed, but then hesitate. I could at least check my coat pocket. If nothing is there, I can put this all behind me. And if something is in there, then at least I know.

I step through the darkness to where my coat is hanging on a hook in the wall. I feel around through all the pockets until my hand touches something. Paper. They seem to be crumpled slightly, but I can feel straight edges and rough edges. It's very likely these are the missing pages from the journal. I pull them out, but there is no way I could read them in this darkness. Opening the curtains would be too risky. There is a Watcher out there. But I can wait. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to find out what these pages say. I put them back in the pocket I found them in, then climb back in bed.

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