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"My mamma ghetto as fuck aight, don't let her ugly ass scare you." I mutter to Taymor hearing music blaring from the inside making me stomp my foot mentally. I didn't feel like dealing with her right now or have Taymor shaking like a chihuahua.

I decided to bring him back here after we finished our talk in the car so I could ask him some questions that I had to know before we went any further, plus I didn't feel like driving him back home.


I unlock the door making him step him before me as I stepped in after him and slammed the door closed and locked it since it was dark, people tend to get crazy out here but they know better than to fuck with me and mine.

"KENTRELL IS THAT YOU.?!" My mom yells from the kitchen making me grip Taymors hand and pull him behind me and up the stairs before she could come bother me but I just wasn't fast enough.

"STOP RIGHT THERE MOTHAFUCKA!" She yells again making me ball my face up and turn around to look at her with a forced smile on my face.

"Yes ma.?"


"A friend from school, don't mind us we just going to my room though." I said tugging on Taymor hand pulling him up the rest of the stairs before she could answer anymore questions.


I close my door shaking my head at her loud ass before apologizing to Taymor. She always had to do the most that's why I didn't bring over here cause of her ugly ass.

"You can have a seat." I say eyeing Taymor who was standing by the door looking around. I watched as he sat in my rolling chair while clearing his throat.

I tossed my shoes off before flopping down on my bed and pulling out my phone yawning as I looked at the time seeing it was going on twelve at night. I cussed to myself because I didn't realize it was that late.

I pulled my shirt off my head throwing it in the corner of my room before opening my dresser drawer and pulling out my backwoods along with my stash of weed.

"Come hea" I spoke looking at him while ripping open the package to pull out my backwoods. I pulled them out before tossing the paper somewhere and wiping my hands as I felt the bed dip letting me know it was Taymor.


"You smoke.?" I ask looking up at him again as I broke down the weed to find him shaking his head in a no motion. I shook mine as well cause it was crazy how innocent he was compared to me, too bad I was about to ruin that shit.

"Do you wanna smoke.?"

"N-no weeds stinks." I could hear the frown in his voice making me laugh because everybody I ever smoked around said the same shit. It got me away from reality for a while so I didn't mind the smell at all.

"I'm changing that shit soon." I mumbled dumping the remains out and adding my weed to it before bringing it up to my lips and licking the paper to seal the blunt up.

I kept licking the blunt before rolling it so the paper stuck together and none of my weed would fall out before grabbing my lighter and running it over my blunt in a fast motion before throwing it back down so I could roll my other one.

"Why you watching me creep.?" I smirk looking at Taymor who was staring at me with a flushed face before shaking his head while looking down.

I didn't press the issue anymore as I finished rolling my second blunt and begun to lit one of them up making the smoke fill my lungs as I sigh, I needed this shit all day. Cigarettes could never amount to my weed no matter how many packs I smoke.

"Do you know how to fight.?" I ask Taymor making his head snap up.

"N-no, nobody bothered t-to teach me."

That made me cough harshly making my eyes widen as he slowly pats my back while I assure him I'm good.

"Nigga you don't know how to fight.?!" I squeaked turning my body so I was looking at him, never in my life have I heard that from anybody until just now.


"Hell nah Ima have to teach you cause I can't have that shit, gonna make somebody run off with yo pack." I shake my head not liking the fact he can't fight before inhaling the blunt again and releasing it through my nostrils.

"Do you know how to jump gates." I ask closing my eyes hoping he would say yes.

"N-no, I never h-had a reason to." He answers making me choke again, I didn't like the answers to the questions I was getting. I held out my hand patting my chest before breathing deeply.

"Do you at least run fast.?"

I look at him with low red eyes before he shakes his head no again making me bite down hard on my bottom lip so I wouldn't scream.

"I'm f-fat so I don't like r-running."

"Taymor, Oh my God." I mutter running my hand down my face, I had my work cut out for me but since he already had said yes I had to teach him the basics.


"Do you know how to drive.?"

"Yeah but I just have my p-permit at the m-moment." He answers making me mumble yes under my breath as I grab my remote and cut on my tv before getting up and turning my light off than flopping right back down in my bed.

"W-wait, you're not t-taking me home.?" He asks as I lay back seeing Martin was on.

"Nah I'll take you tomorrow." I yawn feeling myself get sleepy.


"Mhm." I mumble laying my head down on the pillow feeling my eyes start to water from struggling to keep them open.

"W-will I be getting p-paid just like you while doing t-this.?"

"Yeah, and it'll be way more than you get paid in those shitty paychecks trust me." I mumble back closing my eyes before sleep slowly took over me.


[I want them to fuck already but I gotta wait :/]

[Whats a place that you would love to visit one day.?]


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