Chapter One: Growth

Start from the beginning

October 31, 1985

Harry was alone this time, by choice of course. He was old enough now and literate enough to have a few words with his parents. Sirius and Remus were waiting at the threshold of the Hollow and were waiting patiently for Harry to give them his sign. Harry stood, empty handed, and stared at the graves for a while. The figure was there, standing near the graves. His hood drawn low over his face, bony hands on each of the graves.

"Will I see the again?" Harry asked quietly. He glanced at the figure, though nothing had changed  outwardly with the ominous flowing of black robes. 

"You will, though hopefully not anytime soon." A rich, deep voice seemed to come from all around and Harry nodded sadly and, with his advanced wandless magic, conjured two bouquets of white lilies.  He looked towards the worried form of Sirius and Remus and waved his hand. When they started to walk towards him he turned back to the figure.

"I'll see you soon?" The figure stepped back, hands slipping off the stones, and looked towards the approaching silhouettes. 

"You shall," Remus appeared with one hand on Harrys shoulder. "Until then Harry." The figure disappeared with a black fog as Sirius placed a hand on his other shoulder. 

"Until then," Harry whispered as he felt a hot tear race down his cheek.

October 31, 1986

Harry sat at the graves early in the morning, just after sunrise, Flame was in his lap and he was talking. Just talking. Not expecting a response, but talking nonetheless. Flame blew reassuring flames every once and awhile, sensing Harrys somber mood.

"..And I had some friends over a couple days ago. I think you knew their parents. The Weasleys, and the Longbottom's. Neville came with his grandmother. I think someone named Bill and Charlie brought Fred, George, and Ron. Something about their dad was working and their mom was taking their sister shopping." Harry pulled at the sleeves of his black hoodie and  drew Flame loser as he laid against his mothers stone. "I pulled a couple of pranks on the others with Fred and George. Their twins you know. They are the pranksters of the family. It was fun.

"I don't think their family likes them much though. The rest of them are always yelling at the twins. Its mean, but I like them. Padfoot and Moony like them too. Neville was quiet but he looked like he was having fun. They were all talking about Hogwarts. They all want to go into Gryffindor. I don't know what house. I don't really care, I just want to fit in with my house." Harry sniffled and looked up with tears in his eyes. "I miss you guys. I love you." Harry broke and he started to sob. He pulled Flame into a crushing hug. The small dragon did not complain and comforted Harry the best he could. 

Remus found him there, hours later, with dried tears on his face, asleep. Remus smiled sadly and looked at the graves. 

"I hope you are doing well old friends." Remus picked up the small child and walked back into the house. 

October 31, 1987

Small white flowers were weaved together with small red ones. Two small vines were draped over each headstone. A candle was burning in front of each. Remus, Sirius and Harry stood in front of the stones with a magical umbrella shielding them from the harsh rain. It pounded on the grass, splattering the trios shoes and bottoms of the trousers. Thunder boomed above and the darkness was filled with the violent and harsh bolts of lightning. It was a quick affair, but a solemn one. The trio spent some minutes in the rain before they headed back to the Hollow for some hot cocoa and a cuddle session in front of the fire. And yes, Harry still did that and he didn't mind. He knew how quickly something can be taken from you.

So they sat, content with each others comfort. An hour passed and there was a knock at the door. Remus stood up and opened the door, expecting Minnie, but was greeted by a face he hadn't seen since he had graduated from Hogwarts. 

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