No matter the Consequences

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Thane was a bully. He wasn't popular, and most people ignored him. And he was okay with that. He was used everyone ignoring him.

Used to being ignored by his father, who was always away on work trips. Ignored by his mother as she went to visit her friends, leaving him alone. They didn't do this maliciously, no, but still.

But there was always a way to make people pay attention to him. Make them notice him. He loved the undivided attention that he was given when he beat up a kid on his way to school. It was always the same kids, the ones who were quiet and didn't say anything. Besides, he didn't really care if they did.

All he cared for was that sweet release of dopamine whenever he broke a nose. The rush of endorphins that came with the crack of a jaw. He didn't care for the few suspensions he got or the fact he was still in his sophomore year despite nearly being 18.

But that all changed when a new girl transferred for her senior year. It wasn't unusual for a student to come in, there were a lot of military families in the area due to a nearby army base, and it was within reasonable commute distance to a relatively large city. But it was unusual for someone to transfer in their senior year.

He thought maybe she was one of those quiet types who didn't care to bounce around a lot. Or perhaps she transferred for some other reason. It was interesting enough for Thane to want to see what she was about.


"[Y/n], is it?" His voice disrupts the quiet of the early morning. Dawn is barely peeking over the horizon. He was lucky to catch her walking to school. Fewer witnesses if he feels like she'd make a good punching bag.

"It is. Good to know people listen to the announcements." She turns to look him in the eyes. She's one of those types, is she? Brave, outgoing. Well, this will either be incredibly boring or extremely interesting.

Just now, the sun catches in [Y/n]'s hair, making their [H/c] hair look golden in the suns rays. It's rather stunning, and though Thane was never one for going after pretty girls, he had to admit it she did look almost angelic from this angle.

"You going to keep staring at the sun till your blind or are you going to tell me why you're talking to the transfer." Blinking, he scowls and looks at a small wild-looking bush by the road to distract him. Stupid of him, he should have just said something and then gone on. Now he looked like a buffoon.

"Just curious, who knows, maybe I just wanted to make sure the announcement got your name right." He grinned, trying to save face. "Anyway, I better be going, so see ya-" He didn't get a chance to rush past her before she grabbed his arm.

"Why are you rushing?" She says, looking him in the eye, unnerving him how close they were, "School doesn't start for fifteen minutes, and it's only 'bout seven minutes walk from here. Besides, I wanna know why you sought me out this morning instead of later. You wanted seclusion, why?"

That's it! He's had enough. He shoves her away, infuriated by the lack of respect. What's with this chick? She thinks she so smart, looking into his motives. Well, brains vs. brawn don't end well. He'll give her a what for...

"Hmph. Now it makes sense. Looking for another victim, huh?" He stares down at her a moment, her blemished face, dark circles under her eyes. She's not wearing any makeup, or maybe she's just so good he can't tell. But for some reason, her imperfect, regular looking face makes him pause.

"I guess I"ll give you what you want. You prefer being ignored. But know, you can talk to me if you'd rather talk about your childhood issues rather than repress them and take them out on others." The look in her eyes, sincere, almost sorry, not scared, not angry. Just an understanding look. He hated it because he didn't understand it. He runs off, leaving her sitting on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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