"Your going to meet Madison tonight. At a bar. So get ready and meet us. . . NOW," Jessica shouted. She hung up the phone and ran over to the next room to find Madison, to her surprise, fully dressed.

"Maddie!" Jessica screamed cheerfully. Madison scowled in the direction of her voice and Jessica stopped talking, instantly.

"No need to call me Maddie, when my name is Madison," she said. Jessica nodded her head swiftly and walked out the room. A number of miles away, Ross was hoping onto his motorcycle and riding away into the night, where he would be meeting his future girlfriend.

"It's so crowded in here!" Jessica screamed. The music blared through the speakers as the two girls walked through the thick crowd of people to get to the bar.

"I thought we were going to a normal bar!" Madison shouted over the blaring music and the drunk people.

"We are! This is a bar," she said whilst grabbing Madison's hand and sitting her down on a bar stool. Madison tried to cover her ears but was stopped from doing so when Jessica grabbed her hand and and yanked her out of her chair. "Wow, look at that cute guy over there! Go talk to him!" Jessica shouted and pushed Madison forward, into the thick crowd.

"Jessica? Jessie? JESSICA!" Panic coursed through Madison's body as she was tossed back and forth between the grinding people. The strong smell of liquor floated through the air as Madison frantically called out for Jessica. A pair of hands latched onto her waist and a hard pelvis pressed against her butt. Madison was about to struggle but a strong pair of hands held her wrist together. The mysterious person's head appeared over her shoulder as the man started to push up and down against he backside. "Stop it, leave me alone!" Madison screamed. She tried to find this aliens mans face and slap him. If she could see.

"Just go with the flow, baby," a hard voice said. A hot breath blew against her cheek and Madison felt more panicked the ever. Her body stiffed under this man's touch. He must have noticed. He came forward and whispered something in her ear. She was shocked. "You wanna go fuck in the bathroom?"

Madison tried to step on his foot and throw him off, but his grip tightened. His hold was unbreakable as he moved through the crowd to the bathroom. Madison struggled; she was so young!

"STOP! HELP ME! HELP!" she shrieked. No one heard her. Eveyone was to busy guessing each others STD's. Madison turned to him, shaking. This was the only time she was willing to ask for pity. "I'm blind! Can't see!" she shouted. The man stopped walking.

"Really?" he asked curiously. Madison nodded. "Well all the more better." His grip on her arm tightened and she let out a cold scream.

The next seconds went by so fast. A hand fell on the shoulder of the unknown kidnapper and a low, delicious voice said, "I'm not an expert on girl, but I can tell that this girl is obviously not into you." Madison had an urge to laugh. How can something serious turn into a funny brush-it-off situation.

"Aha, well, you know what we men have to do to get our ladies," the other said sarcastically. Silence fell between the two as Madison tried to squeeze her way out of the man's arm.

"No," her savior said. "I don't know." A loud smack! Flesh against flesh, and Madison was released. Curses, shouts, angry voices. Punches, kicks, grunts. Madison stood from afar and heard all the commotion.

"Madison! Oh god, Madison are you alright?" Jessica screamed. Madison heard her high voice in her ear and flinched.

Madison didn't say anything. No, she clenched her jaw, then murmured, "I told you it was a bad idea to take me to this club, you idiot." Jessica was speechless. Instead of responding, Jessica held her head higher and didn't say a word. No, instead she wanted to get Madison back. She simply walked away and left Madison at the bar stool.

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