hello new orleans

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(her outfit not the makeup just the pants,shirt,shoes with 2 knoves stashed in her belt loop on the back and 2 throwin gstars in the front of pants and the braclett from chapter one she always wears ) (her outfit for new orleans) (when she is at the leauge she wers her uniform on chapter one)

(her outfit not the makeup just the pants,shirt,shoes with 2 knoves stashed in her belt loop on the back and 2 throwin gstars in the front of pants and the braclett from chapter one she always wears ) (her outfit for new orleans) (when she is at t...

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*as tatia was sitting on her thrown with malcom beside her standing up they were watching the new recurits fight there is a scream from the guards intruders*

tatia-HALT!*she screams to the recurts and turns to malcom* go check it out *back to recurts* you get in a fiting stance if you surive this your traing is done 

malcom-*walks back in with a group of people* 

tatia-well well well this is a surpise oliver queen

oliver-malory your alive how

tatia-follow me *they all go to follow* just oliver *turns to malcom* malcom watch them dont let anyone leave 

*in tatia bedroom*


tatia-i have been lieing to you *tells him the story*

oliver-im sorry for what you had to go through 

tatia-its ok it has only made me stronger know i ask why are you here

oliver-we need help dig was sent to new orleans for a opp from argus to check out all the deaths and hasnt came back its been 1 month 

tatia-and i gusse you want me to come with you 

oliver-well that would be great if you could

tatia-ok i will go 

*back in thrown room*

*oliver and tatia walk in*

flecity-so who is she

tatia-my name is tatia al guhl but most people know me as-*thea cuts her off*

thea-mallory merlin tommyś long lost sister 

tatia-yes i was sent to watch malcom and needed a cover 

thea-its good to see you *hugs tatia*

tatia-its good to see you to speedy

thea-yep i knew it *laughs*

flecity-so is she helping us

tatia-she is right here and will out an arrow through your throat 

oliver-yea she is *turns to tatia* be nice

*in new orleans at rouseos*

oliver-blend in act normal 

thea-yea normal 

tatia-*walks up to the bar* hi im looking for someone named marcel 

marcel-*turns around* im marcel 

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