Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes

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"Aurelia, hold on!" Jaime called out for her, and she stopped walking.

"What?" Aurelia exclaimed, as she turn to face Jaime again.

"Just apologize to her." Jaime thought himself, trying to bring himself to say that he's sorry. "We need to talk...about last night." He said instead.

"You were voicing out your opinions. There's nothing else to talk about." Aurelia stated, wanting to end this conversation the second it started. "I have to go. I need to say my goodbyes." She quickly said before Jaime could open his mouth to reply her. Aurelia grabbed the hem of her skirts, proceeding to walk away from Jaime and the Godswood.

After their encounter, Aurelia went inside the castle and headed to her chambers for the time being. Her trunks were already placed in one of the carriages, along with the rest of the Stark's belongings. She quickly changed into her riding clothes with the help of her chambermaid, as she chose to ride her horse, rather than sit inside a carriage for endless hours. Ned didn't protest when Aurelia asked, knowing that being cooped up inside a wheelhouse with the Queen and her three children will be all too much for his eldest daughter.

After she was finished, she thanked her chambermaid whom she won't know when she'll see again. Aurelia then headed for Bran's room. They were about to leave quite soon, and she can't do that without saying goodbye to her little brother and mother. It pained her to leave Bran when he's lying unconscious in bed however, she knows there's nothing else she could do.

When the door opened, Catelyn didn't even flinch. She only looked up to see who it was. Entering the room, it seemed as if their mother hasn't move an inch since she saw her last night. Catelyn was wearing her green nightgown, her auburn hair looking all disheveled. Her eyes were puffy as they were red. She was still sitting on the rocking chair beside Bran's bed, building a prayer wheel for him. Bran was tucked on his bed, with a blanket covering him to make sure that he was warm from the weather.

Catelyn's expression didn't change at all upon seeing her eldest daughter standing by the door, and Aurelia could see how tired she was from her eyes. Walking inside, Aurelia locked her eyes onto her mother's, the two of them seemed to understand how one another feels through that.

She sat herself on Bran's bed beside him. Aurelia gently played with Bran's hair, parting the bangs on his forehead so she can see his face properly. He looked like in a deep sleep, his little chest rising every second.

"Hey, Bran. I hope you can forgive me for leaving Winterfell today for King's Landing. If I had a choice, I would have stayed here with you and wait until you open your eyes. I know how much you wanted to come with us to King's Landing. I promise you, you can come and visit us anytime when Maester Luwin says you're healthy enough to travel. I'll be waiting for you. You have to stay strong, alright? Stay strong for all of us. I love you, Bran." Aurelia said her goodbye, fighting the tears welling up in her eyes. She kissed Bran on the forehead one last time.

Standing back up, Aurelia faced her mother who has tears trickling down her cheeks.

"It's time for me to go, mother." Aurelia managed to say, even though she was struggling to let the words come out. Catelyn stood up from her chair, putting the prayer wheel down on the bed. She walked to where Aurelia was standing, and pulled her into a tight and loving embrace. The tears were now falling from both of their eyes, and Aurelia never wanted to let go.

"Don't forget me." Catelyn said with her croaked voice, due to all the crying.

"Never." Aurelia assured her. The two of them reluctantly pulled away from each other's arms. Catelyn wiped the tears away from her cheeks, and looked at her daughter.

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