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Frozen as she stretches, she pulled her hair that covered her face to the back, "Oh hi." She pursed her lips into a thin line as she looked away for a moment, thinking, 'Crap. It's Yangyang.' She faked a smile and passed the bag of chips towards him, the smile suddenly went bitter. She gulp down the saliva down her throat, might take few seconds for her to speak up.

"You're a type of person who eats while reading a book- wouldn't you be cautious from getting the book dirty?" He spoke. She thought she was dead- her mind saying 'Ha. So he didn't know.' Meaning of something she expected to happen didn't happened or spoke of somehow but also, Thank God. A sarcastic, disappointed 'Ha'. She let go of the chips, having a look at him, "I thought you wanted it.."

He smiled sweetly, shaking his head, his voice was soft, ugh soothing and clear, "I wouldn't, I've eaten and.. it's the library after all." Her damn dramatic expression in the inside was bursting.

R E J E C T E D.

She thought, taking bag the chips and hid it on her lap. 'Then its all for myself. Ha.' She stared at her book then turned to look at him, he have a lot of books to read and notes to write and he's alone. He does need a privacy but she just thought he was distracted by her, was it lowkey getting rid of her? She would admit it was annoying but- 'He said something about me eating while reading..'

"I'm sorry, the thing you said just now, I didn't care about the library's books, don't you ever tell the librarian. I'm not that sloppy though aand have been mastered for years like this." She said proudly, taking some of the chips and eat it while staring at him like a bad bitch.

She swallowed the food after seconds munching it, still having her eyes at him. "I'm so annoying but thank you again for last time." She thanked, though she was sincere, she didn't really really mean it and is tired of it herself, it just sounds like she owe him. She's even tired of herself. Like, come on, a genius? Who would share the most correct answer to a person like her? That's plainly called courage. Its her fault for not paying attention and she deserves things like detention and humiliation.

He only nodded, smiling- as if it was nothing then back to his books.

At some point, while reading her book, she couldn't help but to stare at the nerd across her focusing on his revision. A good thing to stare at, she thought. She could only wish to be as focused and interested as him in studies but she couldn't- or just wouldn't.

She know she's not good in interacting with people but having herself biting on her nail while staring at him without her own realization, she was more kUnfused and surprised of the action.

She licked her dried lips and speak up after removing her earpiece, "You study all day long? That's so la-" There was the word, she cut off but thinking that she's talking to the school's top 3 genius, she needs a smack to reality. "I mean cool, I don't have the ability of yours. Functioning brain, wide knowledge, multilingual. and i'd be honest with you- good looking."

The last word made him face her, "Thank you. and i believe everyone have the ability to, people do have it, its just that- they don't try to use it because they just don't or don't want to."

She slightly nodded, a little confused of what he's trying to say, 'He's lowkey saying i'm lazy to not use my ability because of my dumb ass. Ha.' The third 'Ha' she said in her mind, just as uninspired as she physically looked- she's a trash compared to Yangyang.

Chunhua watched him playing around with his hair by pulling it lightly, she saw it was kind of entertaining. His eyes that signed he was reading, the way it goes left to right, then down and repeat, he was so passionate in learning, reading and gathering informations. Then, she saw him put a chocolate inside his mouth before he noticed her.

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