"Zoe." Kyle's voice sounded scared and she automatically sat up, her senses on high alert. Madison noticed the tense aura surrounding the brunette, which caused her to sit up as well, and she rested her head near her shoulder to hear better.

"Kyle what's wrong?" She asked quietly, biting down on her lip as she awaited his response. There was a long pause on the other end of the phone, and she felt her stomach drop as she assumed the worst. However, moments later, his voice floated back to her, and she felt relief wash over her as she listened intently to what he was communicating to her.

"I think Lucas and his friends are going to hurt me. I'm alone in my dorm room right now and I keep hearing weird noises outside my window and maybe I'm just overreacting, but I'm really afraid. Can you and Mads come over please?" He begged, not trying to hide the fear in his voice any longer. She promised him they would be right over and when she hung up the phone, she shoved it into her pocket and sprang into action, slipping her converse on and pulling on her university hoodie. The blonde followed her girlfriends actions and together, they exited the dormitory as quietly as possible, careful not to disturb their fellow housemates. The walk to Kyle's hall wasn't far, but it felt like an eternity as they crept across the quad and weaved through the darkness to avoid being caught. Once they finally reached the Hall A, she felt the feeling grow even stronger inside her stomach, and she unexpectedly leaned over and retched into the perfectly manicured lawn, scaring the smaller girl next to her. Once she got done, she felt dizzy so the blonde had to help her into the large building, locating his room rather easily. The door was ajar and from where she was standing, she could see the blood on the floor. Her senses went into overdrive and she pushed open the door shakily, nearly passing out at the sight in front of her. Kyle was lying in the middle of the floor, clearly unconscious, but it was obvious he had been attacked with a weapon considering the massive amount of blood that covered the floor. Zoe fell to her knees next to him and she checked to see if any of the injuries could be fatal to her friend, which from what she could tell, they weren't fatal but were very serious nonetheless.

"Madison go get help, now!" She shouted, pulling his upper body into her lap so that his head was resting on her sweatpants. The gray sweatpants were now stained with blood but she didn't care, all she cared about was Kyle and if he was going to be okay or not. It felt like hours until the police showed up, and when the paramedics loaded him into the back of the ambulance, she insisted that she and Madison both be allowed to ride with him to the hospital. They were granted permission with very blatant hesitation, and the ride to the nearby facility felt like years rather than minutes as she kept her gaze trained on the unconscious male on the stretcher next to where she was sitting. Madison was crying visibly, but she tried to stay strong for the only friend she had ever had since she was a young teenager. He had to make it through this, he just had to, she couldn't live without him and his loving friendship and she felt as if she were going to be sick as they arrived at the hospital, ushered out into the parking lot so that the paramedics could rush him into the emergency room. The two teenagers were directed to the waiting room once they had gotten inside the hospital, and were promised hourly updates on his condition.

"This waiting is bullshit!" Zoe vented, her head resting on the beige painted wall behind where she and her roommate had been sitting for the past hour and a half now. The blonde rubbed her wrist comfortingly as she silently agreed with the brunette. The nurse at the check in station eyed them as they sat holding each others hands and Madison gave her a venom filled look, which she visibly flinched away from.

"Miss Benson, miss Montgomery?" They heard from near their seats, and they looked up to see an older male standing near the check in desk with a clipboard in his hands. They both rushed to their feet and held onto one another for news on their best friend.

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