
Walking, just walking. That was all that I was doing. 'Cept breathing. I wasn't exactly sure of my destination. Seemed kinda silly to me, why was I even here? But it's more of the journey than the destination. Right? How do you even get to a destination without a journey, its all... I'm blabbering.

I noticed the dark shadows, those tendrils, licking the non-existent walls. What was this place? It seemed like something out of THE THING. Where you can only trust yourself and nothing else. Plus I had this feeling that, if I turned around something'd come up behind me and eat me... Guess it's not all daffodils and teddy bears. Not likely with the sounds of gun shots lingering in the air. Where was I? Who the hell had the right to bring me here?! This was so totally uncalled for. Get my lawyer on this. Oh wait I don't have a lawyer... Eejit -_-.

The chocolate eyes of mine wandered around the place. Scrounging for life or anything that didn't scream 'help I'm freakin' dead.'. That's when I noticed them, how ironic. All of them. People. Eyes dimmed. By death. Though their eyes did seem to be moving... Following my every move. OK creeped the fudge cakes out.

Think unicorns. Unicorns. Unicorns. Mmmmm gummy bears!... How old are you? And at a time like this? Suck it up.

I could tell all these people on the ground had suffered. But what for? Had they done something bad? Or was it just for fun? Why was I seeing this? Significance? Definitely lacking. It was really starting to creep me out. So I bolted.


My eyes grew wide. If I had a mirror bet they'd be like saucers on my face. Seriously. No jokes. I cast my gaze downwards. Through the thick fog, smoke and shadows. They seemed to part where my eyes drew. Sort of like my eyes were clearing a path. Like the bit in evolution. I shook my head focus.

It was not a pretty sight. Skulls. Human skulls. For a moment time stopped. Everything just frozen. My foot hung in the air. The shadows stopped pulsing and I didn't blink or breathe. A scream ripped its way through the air and everything was set back in motion. The scream slipped it's way inside me. Tearing through my walls and defences.

I can't take this, anymore. I groaned as my head felt like it was imploding. An unseeable force, pushed me onto my knees then to my stomach. My palms faced outwards. They were scathed and lacerated, still couldn't feel a thing.

Instead of breathing in. Stench of rotting, putrid flesh. I smelt grass, you know, the freshly mown kind. With the hint of a 1000 lilies. Don't ask me how I know, cos I just don't. To be quite fair. I felt the sunrise. It's rays, latching their burning claws onto my pale, snow white skin. I could pick out the faint scattering of rain. Nurturing the dry, uneven ground. Saturating it and drawing out life.

A soft, pale hand lifted up my chin. My eyelids fluttered. Struggling to open, putting up a fight, to show proof of the tired eyes underneath. I managed to lift my lids. The beauty before me was everything, yet nothing. White and black. Old and new. I couldn't fathom why I was here or the meaning. For a second I contemplated pinching myself. I bought my hand up to execute the plan. Once again, the ghtly hand was there, which stopped me.

A voice resounded in my mind.

"Olly, my child. You are of pure heart. Your time will come when everything shall make sense. For now. Believe and trust only in the ones you must. Goodbye." Darkness clouded my vision, everything dissolving into blackness. My head fell to the ground. With a loud THUD.

Liam's POV:

I was holding tightly onto harry's milk coloured hand. It was frail, almost lifeless, I could just detect a pulse. Plus the heart monitor kept up a steady beat. It was the only thing making a sound. Apart from that it was deadly silent. The calm before the storm. Speaking of a storm, my phone blasted out peanut butter jelly time! Which made screech like a girl. My scream going a few octaves higher.

Tell Me The Meaning of Love - Ziam/ Nouis/ Larry - One Direction (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now