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Tiye smiled peacefully to herself as she cuddled up to the massive heat source beside her, it was not cold outside the tent but quite the opposite. She did not care though, her life was finally in complete bliss. That was until someone entered the tent.

"Mummy! Daddy!" A six year old cried, running into the quiet tent and jumping on to the bed, crushing the two occupants.

"Morning, princess." Ardeth chuckled, sitting up slightly and embracing his energetic daughter.

"When are you and mummy getting breakfast?" The little girl asked curiously.

"In a bit, Meira. Go find grandma and tell her that no one is allowed to disturb mummy and me for a while." He whispered, placing a finger to his lips to show they wanted quiet.

"Yes daddy!" Meira laughed as she crawled off the bed calling for her grandmother. Once she was gone Tiye turned to face her husband with a puzzled expression.

"Why?" She asked, reaching up and allowing her fingers to trail over his tattoos. Ardeth grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on her palm before rolling on top of her, hungrily kissing her lips.

"Because mummy and daddy need some special alone time so daddy can punish mummy for leaving marks on his chest and not telling him." Ardeth growled as he pulled away from Tiyes lips.

"I was just telling everyone that you belong to me." Tiye smirked, placing her hands on his bare chest and tracing the faded purple marks on his skin.

"Well now I need to tell everyone you belong to me." Ardeth lowered his head to her neck and kissed the smooth skin, each kiss getting rougher and rougher, leaving Tiye gasping in pleasure.

"Ardeth, we are going to miss breakfast." Tiye tried to stop him before he continued, knowing that neither of them had the control to stop. His hands skimmed down her body and slowly raised her thin nightgown.

"Ardeth Bey, today is the start of the festival! I will not allow the Chieftain to lay around in bed all day when we have plenty to do!" A grey haired woman burst into the tent, hands on her hips and a scowl on her lips. Tiye muffled her laughs with the back of her hand as Ardeth groaned in annoyance and rolled off her.

"We will join you for breakfast in a moment, let us get dressed." He sat up, and glared at the giggling mess beside him. The older woman sent him one last scowl before exiting the tent with Meira trailing behind.

"Looks like you cannot show everyone you own me." Tiye winked while climbing out of bed. Ardeth grabbed her arm and pulled her back into bed before attacking her neck with kisses, leaving a trail of purple marks.

Ardeth just returned her wink before gracefully climbing out of the bed and throwing on his robes. He did not look once back at the blushing woman sprawled across the bed as he walked out the tent to prepare for the rest of the day.

Tiye quickly sat up after realising what her husband had just done and scowled in annoyance.

"Fucking bastard."


Tiye sat happily on the edge of her bed humming an old lullaby as her fingers gently wove through the young girl sitting by her legs hair, creating small plaits.

"All done sweetie." The older woman patted her daughters head and smiled down at the young brunette.

"Thank you mummy!" Meira quickly hugged her mother before rushing out the tent and chasing after her grandmother.

"Thought I would find you here." Tiye twisted around and watched as her husband waltzed into the tent, a large grin on his face. "I believe Mei is busy so how about we recreate last night."

"Ardeth, we cannot." She tried to complain but as he towered over her seated frame she wrapped her arms around his neck and dragged him backwards on to the bed, eagerly connecting their lips.

"I thought you said we could not." He grinned, allowing his hands to roam her body.

"We cannot Ardeth, I have things to do." Tiye sighed, pressing her hands against his chest and gently pushing him off.

"Alright, but we are continuing this later." Ardeth pressed a kiss to her lips then walked away, sending her a wink. Tiye began to fix her dress when Ardeth came rushing back in the tent. "I have bad news."

"Ardeth, darling, what is wrong?" Tiye jumped up in worry, walking to her husband.

"I have to leave, Imhotep has arisen."

"What? No, I am coming with you!" She gasped, hugging him close. The two stayed silent, Ardeth knew he could not argue with her as she would kill him.

"It is dangerous, I do not want you to get hurt." He quietly begged her, burying his head in her neck.

"If Imhotep is back that means he will go after my family." Tiye pulled away and looked him dead in the eyes. "You cannot stop me from protecting my family."

𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑨 - Ardeth BayWhere stories live. Discover now