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The days passed by quickly, their friendship growing close as they spent almost every waking moment together. Their fathers noticed this, discussing between themselves to move the wedding closer, three months closer. It was to commence in five days. Upon hearing this news Tiye shut herself away in her tent, sleepless nights passing by until she finally emerged the day before the wedding.

"Ti, how are you?" Dr. Bey questioned his daughter after noticing her by the stables.

"I am well." Her voice was monotone as she turned around to face him, sadness overwhelming him as he saw the dark circles under her eyes.

"Are you prepared for tomorrow?" He asked, knowing it is a sensitive topic.

"I will never be prepared." Tiye huffed tiredly, twisting back around to pet her horse. She stroked its well-maintained mane, and smiled slightly as it neighed at her.

Dinner time rolled around quickly and Tiye sat silently beside Ardeth, ignoring his curious glances. She spooned some fruit in her mouth and leaned on her palm.

"Ti?" Ardeth waited until everyone had left the tent before he finally approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing." She sighed, moving away from her fiancè.

"I do not believe you." He grabbed her arm and pulled her flush against his chest. Tiye struggled against his grasp but he only tightened his arms around her waist. "Please, Ti. What is wrong?"

"Let me go." She mumbled, gently slamming her head on his shoulder. Ardeth growled and shoved her away in disgust.

"And to think I let myself care about you." He stormed out the tent leaving Tiye by herself. She sank to her knees as the grief overpowered her.


Women of the village filed into Tiyes tent, reminding her it was the day of her wedding. They bathed her, tied her hair back and dressed her into a simple white silk dress. One woman handed her a bouquet of purple flowers and they all left her to her thoughts.

"Are you ready to go?" Her father stepped into the tent and helped her off the bed.

"As ready as I will ever be." Tiye replied simply. Her father led her towards a large tent and walked her down the isle, eyes watching her intently. Tiye winced under their stares and jumped as her father passed her to Ardeth.

"We are gathered her today..." All noise faded away as Tiye stood still, her breathing picking up as she thought about how her whole life was being dragged away by this marriage.

"I am sorry." She mumbled, tears cascading down her cheeks. The bouquet dropped to the ground with a small thump and Tiye grabbed her dress and ran out the tent, mumbles of guests filling her ears. Ardeth followed after her but stopped when he saw grab her horse, mount it and ride off through the desert.

Tiye quickly arrived back at her home and put the horse away into the stable. Her hair had fallen out and was in tangles down her back, her dress had torn slightly from the disgraceful horse riding. She ran inside and wrote an apology letter to her father before grabbing some money and running down to the port.

"Where to, Miss?" The ticket master asked her, eyes trailing over her torn wedding dress.

"Just... just the first boat out of here." Tiye's eyes darted around the busy port, people glancing at her strange apparel.

"That is to London."

"I will have a ticket there, please." Tiye placed the money on to his desk and waited for her ticket. The man gave her the small bit of paper and directed her towards the passenger ship. As she boarded she took one last look at the stunning country of Egypt before going inside and finding her cabin.

"You will be okay." She reassured herself before leaving the ship after the long journey. Tiye struggled to get through the busy crowd of the port until she accidentally knocked a young woman over.

"I am terribly sorry, I was not looking where I was going." The brunette apologised, standing up off the ground with the help of the young Egyptian.

"Oh, no. It is I who should be apologising, I walked into you." Tiye walked with the woman to a quiet part of the port.

"You are Egyptian." The woman said with wonder, her eyes going wide. "Oh, where are my manners, my name is Evelyn Carnahan."

"Tiye Bey." Tiye introduced, shaking Evelyns hand.

"What are you doing in London, if you don't mind me asking." Evelyn began to walk away with Tiye following.

"I am running away from a life I did not choose."

"Do you have no where to go?" Tiye shook her head. "Well you can come stay with my brother and I."

"Thank you so much."

𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑨 - Ardeth BayWhere stories live. Discover now