"Ashton, why don't you and the boys go to the Entertainment room until dinner is done," My mum suggested, but the look in her eyes screamed that she just wanted us to leave so they can have 'grown up' talk, which is really just bashing on other people's success.

I shrugged and Ethan and Max followed me to the entertainment room on the third floor. Once we were out of our parents sight, Max and Ethan laced their fingers together and I rolled my eyes. They were dating, but Ethan knew his mum wasn't excepting of gay's. She knew they were dating, but just didn't approve.

My mum knows too, and she knew I was gay too, but we never really discussed it. When I told her, she thought she failed me and tried passing it as a phase. I guess I just make her life worse, being gay and not accepting the 'rich people life style' like she wanted me to. Whenever we go somewhere fancy, I don't live up to her friends and our family expectations.

"Hey, what happened to your arm?" Ethan asked, looking at my blazer in concern. I nearly spat out a naughty word, cursing myself for not being careful when I saw the blood stain. I should have changed, but I guess I forgot.

The two gave me a questioning and worried look, probably thinking I got beat up at school. They had this crazy idea that public school was dangerous, considering shows pass it like it is, when really, it's not that different from Private school, except they are more accepting.

"I just got scared, it's nothing serious," I shrugged it off and took off my blazer, grabbing a shirt from the extra clothes we had in the entertainment room for exercising and such. The entertainment room had weights and gym equipment on one side and more electronic objects on the other. There was a door leading to the pool tables and Foosball ones.

Max gave me a look of disbelief, he was the more blunt and serious one in their relationship while Ethan was the quiet and shy one. Max was taller as well, he had a more mature and handsome look, but Ethan was short and adorable. If they were not together, I would consider dating Max, just because I like being with a person who takes control and is kind of opposite of me.

"How about telling us the truth," He said, giving me a stern look.

I bit my lip, pondering a bit, then huffed,"Okay, well. There is this boy named Luke and he invited me to hang out after school this afternoon. We walked a bit and then he decided to skateboard. I tried denying, but he was rather persistent. And, well, this happened."

Ethan frowned after I told them and shook his head,"You shouldn't bother with him. He sounds a bit dangerous."

"He is not, he did not force me to ride the skateboard. Besides, it is only a scrape. He was actually helpful afterwards. He walked me home and I don't know, I feel kind of safe around him," I admitted. It was true, even though I only met him a couple days ago, he seems rather nice and I think we could be friends.

The two looked at one another, but nodded and we played a bit of checkers and Foosball, which was what we always did, and I usually won.

-The next day, I went to school and changed my clothes a bit. Even though I act like it doesn't hurt, the teasing bothered me a bit. I tried to go a bit more casual, but I like my clothing and toned my fancy clothes down to just jeans and a red sweater. My mum was not pleased with my outfit, but I convinced her to let me leave.

When I went to my locker, I struggled opening it. The day before, I had the same problem, but the lady at the front desk helped. As I groaned at the frustrating locker, I heard a voice ask,"Hey, do you need some help?"

I smiled and turned, "Yeah t-"

The smile dropping when I saw it was the guy from yesterday who made fun of me. He snickered,"Aw, moneybags over here actually needs help from us poor kids! How pathetic, what would your mummy think?"

I ignored him and grinned when I finally opened the locker, only to have it slammed shut when he walked by and laughed,"Oops, sorry!"

"I bet you are," I said sarcastically, attempting to opening it again. When I finally did, after 4 times, I put my messenger bag inside and only got my books for my classes.

The day went by semi-quickly and I never understood why people complained about it. However, when I got to lunch, I then realized why. I walked through the lunch line and since I stayed in class yesterday for lunch to get caught up since I missed the first couple months, I never got to see the cafeteria.

And I was kind of glad, because it was messy, crowded, and far too loud for my liking. I hesitated before going into the lunch line and cringed as people shoved to get in front of others, causing them to argue and snap at each other.

I honestly hated when people touched me, so the whole 5 minutes of waiting in line bugged me a lot. Once I was in front of the lunch lady, she asked in a strong Australian accent,"What can I get for you?"

"Vegetable Lettuce Wraps and Mushroom Caps Stuffed With Smoked Salmon, please," I told her with a smile.

She gave me a blank look,"We have chili, burgers and pizza."

A few kids chuckled behind me and I blushed, saying quietly,"I would like...Chili then."

She slapped some chili on the plastic tray and gave it to me, I mumbled a ,"Thanks."

But she was already yelling 'Next!' and I winced, paying the lady at the register and then went back into the cafeteria, looking around and wondering where to sit. I didn't know anyone aside from Luke, but I couldn't find him.

I saw some boys who were sat around with red jackets on and looked like a little group. I have seen guys like them in a few movies, they were usually on a team of some sort. Shrugging, I made my way over and tapped one of their shoulders. He looked up and his green eyes met mine,"What?"

"Um, c-can I sit with you please?" I asked, looking at the empty sit next to him.

He looked at the other guys and shrugged, taking his bag off the seat and I smiled, taking it happily. They went back to talking and I frowned, but just stayed quiet, not wanting to intrude on their conversation.

I took my napkin and unfolded it, placing it in my lap. I then took my fork and looked at the 'chili' unusually. I never had chili before, I heard of it though and some people like it. So, I took a bit and coughed as the food entered my mouth, nearly throwing up at the taste.

The guy who let me sit with them laughed, noticing me and gave me an amused look,"Yeah, I'd suggest not eating anything from this cafeteria new kid."

"My name is Ashton," I told him, taking my napkin and wiping my mouth, grimacing in digust. "This food is not pleasant."

"Pleasant? Well, that's true. I'm Nick," He said, and I took his hand, shaking it. He gave me a confused look, but just asked,"So, are you like...not use to public school? No offense, but

you really stand out."

"I take that as a compliment," I told him simply, but nodded,"Yes, I was home-schooled."

"Why'd you come to public school then?" He asked, ignoring the glares he got from his friends. They must not like me, I was use to it though.

I thought about it, trying to explain,"Well, I found homeschooling lonely and wanted to experience public school."

We talked the rest of lunch and it was pretty nice. I got to know his friends too, Jarred and Mitchell. They were not as fond of me as Nick was, but they were polite and just talked to me when they felt the need to.

The rest of school went by fast and once it was over, I went to my locker and opened it, only to have a piece of paper fall out. Curious, I bent down and picked it up, unfolding it and realized it was a note.

Hey Ashton,

I don't have your number, but I found your locker. (Don't ask, I know people) Wanna hang out again? Meet me outside the front of school!

- Luke :)

I smiled and grabbed my book bag, then shut my locker and sent my mum a text, saying I had to stay after school again. The constantly lying kept eating me away, but I dealt with it. When I went outside, my eyes widened.

Luke was leaning against a motorcycle, sunglasses on and smirked when he saw me,"Hey Ash, ready to go?" 

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