Chapter 6

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The ride was silent as we were all in shock. Tess said something but I wasn't listening as I rested my head against the door as stated outside while absently tracing the autobot symbol on the steering wheel. We come to a stop at an abandoned gas station with nothing for miles around. Everyone climbed out and as soon as optimism transformed he informed us he was going to scout and make sure we weren't followed. I turn and walk into the building and find a place to sit as I waited for him to return and ignored everyone else . After a while I walked back outside just as Tess and Cade started arguing. I sat outside all night eventually falling asleep while waiting for optimism to return. When I woke optimism was just arriving and Cade had 3 boxes of stuff leaving me confused. We went to some tourist stop to test something and discovered cades account was locked.
We drove away and without warning optimism transformed around us looking ten times better.
"Woohooo!" I shout in excitement as we raced down the road.

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