Chapter 14 - Hi, we're One Direction!

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We just landed and now we are in New York. Finally! If we would been there any longer, I don't think I would have been stopped myself from biting in person's in front of me neck. They all smelled so good. Ugh, fuck it.

Now, we are walking to this, not far away being, forest. We need to feed and then we can go to that witch. We went out of the airport and now we are walking on the sidewalk of the highway. It's warm in here, New York. Or whatever it is now.

We are out of the city already, so I don't have a clue where we are. So you, probably, are confused or have few questions to us. I bet, first one is, why we aren't running in vampire speed? Am I right? Of course, I am!

To answer your question, we can't. You know, the thing is what we can't just start run in the middle of the street, or the airport. Plus, we can't waste our energy now. We had to feed and then we can run all the way. It's confusing and all but believe me, we would have been running a long time ago if we could.

"I don't understand, how people can walk so long?" Rosy whined as we walked. I chuckled.

"Like you weren't a human a while ago" I said sarcastically and she sighed.

"I know! I can't believe I was so stupid" she said and I laughed. This girl is something.

We walked a bit and I heard my phone ringing. I took it out of my bag and looked at the screen.

"Who's this?" Rosy asked. I showed her screen and she grabbed phone out of my hand. Oh, thanks Rosy, it really wasn't for me, no, not at all. Note the sarcasm. She picked phone and answered.

"Hello! This is Beth's phone" Rosy said in a girly voice. Really?!

"We are good, just a bit hungry. No, we aren't in the city now" Rosy said and I gave her confused look. What they talking about? Oh, dumb me. I can hear their conversation with my hearing. Shot me. I listened more and heard Niall's voice.

"Sad. And where are you?" Niall's voice asked.

"New York" Rosy simply said.

"New York?! As in America?!" Nial exclaimed and I flinched at the sound. Wow, he really can scream!

"No, as in Antarctica. Of course, America, idiot! How many New Yorks you know?"

Rosy asked and I chuckled. Niall laughed nervously too. I can say, he's blushing now.

"Oh, yeah. One I guess. And what are you doing there if I may ask?" Niall asked and Rosy gave me an asking look. I motioned her to turn a speaker on. She did as told and we continued our conversation.

"Hey Niall and we are here for business" I said and Rosy raised an eyebrow at me with 'seriously?' look. I gave her 'what?" look and she just struggled. Hey! It wasn't bad excuse, was it?

"Oh, hello Beth!" Niall said and I heard muffling in the background. Boys...

"Beth? Liza?!" Harry's voice ringed in the background and boys laugh after it.

"No! Harry! I am talking now! Oh come on!" I heard Niall's voice and then loud scream. What the fuck just happened?

"Hello? Boys?" I asked nervously. No answer.

"Did they hung up?" Rosy asked and I just struggled. Where they gone? We stood in silence for few minutes then from nowhere came very loud boy's screaming.

"HI! WE ARE ONE DIRECTION!" They yelled at one.

Oh God, I think I just lost one eardrum.

"HOLY FUCK! Don't do this again! You scared shit out of me!" Rosy yelled at them and they laughed.

"Really, guys? I think I am deaf now?" I said and they laughed more. Our vampire hearing didn't helped here too, it made a scream 100 times louder. Geez, so loud.

"Sorry, can't help" Louis said.

"Whatever" I said. Car passed us and some guys from the inside waved at us while beeping and whistling. Seriously? Do we look like a dogs or something?

"What was that?" Liam asked and we both froze. Shit. And now what we will do? They can know we are in the middle of nowhere.

"What was what?" Rosy played dumb. I rolled my eyes at her attempt to play like nothing happened.

"That sound. It was like a car horn or something like that. Where are you exactly?" Zayn asked.

"I said. New York. We are walking to the... um.. mall?" I more asked. Rosy shook her head.

"Yeah, we are going to this very big mall to shop" Rosy said too and I nodded 'thanks' to her.

"Ok. When you coming back to London?" Niall asked.

"In few days" I said as we walked more closer to the forest. We could already see it from here. Good, because I am really hungry.

"Maybe then we can hang out? All together, Zayn, Liam and Louis could bring their girlfriends too" Harry suggested and others boys agreed with 'yeah' or 'good idea'. I looked at Rosy with asking look and she nodded enthusiastically. I laughed at her excitement.

Now, I couldn't believe that few weeks ago she hated them and a thought about spending a second with them. Guess, people really can change fast.

"Sure, we'd love to" I said and boys cheered. Rosy laughed and so did I.

"Ok, we have to go, boys. See ya later" Rosy said.

"Bye!" "Later" "See you soon" came in one time. I shook my head at their silliness and smiled too. They just so happy all the time.

"Bye" I said and hung up. I took phone and placed it in my bag.

"We are here" Rosy said and I looked up. And really, I saw forest just in front of us. It was big and dark. I smelled the air. Fresh air. Trees. And animals. Blood. Ah, sweet blood.

"Let's go and mark this place, shall we?" I said and smiled deviously at Rosy [like in the side picture]. She gave me the same look and we sprinted into dark grisly woods. 


HELLLOW! I loved writting this chapter much! I just love how Boys talk with Rosy and Elizabeth, don't you?

Anyways, hope you like it! And I would love to hear responses from you, guys!


See ya in few days <3

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