Im Sal Fisher

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My name is Sally Fisher. But most people know me by a different name, Sally Face.

I've been called Sally Face for as long as I can remember, originally it was a name used to make fun of me. But I decided to embrace it, and soon it was just a nickname. Most people call me Sal to save their breath.

My closest friend Larry Johnson calls me whatever the fuck he wants. I trust Larry with my life, and he knows it. Nothing could ever get in between our friendship... Besides maybe my huge crush on him

I never really questioned my sexuality, I knew that Todd and Neil got a lot of shit for being gay so I guess I was scared of being made fun of. Even more. And I knew that the person who thrived off of making my life harder would see it as another thing to make fun of me for.

So  I never really talked about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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