Chapter 1 Part 1

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(Author's note: Yes I know the season where the events I refer to occured several years ago in "real time", I like Dodge Challengers and I am writing this now, not 6 years ago :)  ) 

I pulled into the motel parking lot, there she sat. I'd recognize that car anywhere. The memories of her, I and whichever one of the boys I had been with at the time were some of the most interesting and, shall we say, spatially challenging of any I had. That back seat was large but neither the boys or I were particularly short. Some people would probably give me some flack for having spent "quality" time with both of them, but life's short, especially in our line of work. Besides most hunters aren't quite as attractive as they are and I'm not what one would call a traditional hunter.

I parked next to Baby, got out and walked to room 211. This was a fancier hotel, it had more than one floor. It appeared the brothers were living large these days. The curtain twitched before I could knock on the door, living large and more paranoid than usual. That's never a good sign.

"Still driving that piece of crap?" Dean said as he opened the door to let me in.

I looked over the balcony at my deep purple 2010 Challenger SRT 8 then back at Dean, "You mean the 8 cylinder, 425 horsepower, 6 speed stick shift that kicks Baby's ass on the straightaway and the curves? Yeah, guess I am."

He growled at me, Sam's muffled laugh came from inside the room. "Shut up Sam," he grumbled and stepped to one side to let me in.

"Nice to see you too Dean," I remarked as I walked by him and went down the small hallway then turned into the room itself. That trademark Sam Winchester smile greeted me right before I got bear hugged. Damn that man's strong, he must have started working out since last time I saw him,"At least one of you is happy to see me," I grunted as he held me tight for a brief moment.

"Hey there  Coyote," Sam said, "We haven't seen you in a year or two."

"Has it been that long? Time flies I guess."

"I'm happy to see you too," Dean protested.

"You must be, that greeting was slightly more civilized then the last one."

Dean rolled his eyes, "I apologized! We were chasing a shifter."

I shook my head, "Oh that's right, that was the reason you stabbed first and asked questions later."

Dean threw his hands up, walked to the fridge, pulled out two beers and tossed one at me, "Here."

I caught it and glared at him, "Really Winchester? A beer? Get your ass over here and say hi the right way."

He managed to keep the smile off his lips but the edges of his eyes crinkled up and the right corner of his mouth twitched once or twice. "Oh fine." His hug wasn't as tight as Sam's but I was lucky I made it out of both embraces with my ribs intact.

"That's better. We'll teach you manners yet, right Sam?"

"It's my life long quest," Sam replied with a put upon sigh, "The weight of which is getting heavier through the years."

Dean's eyes narrowed as he sat back down by the window, "This is why I always try to keep you two separated."

I had to get one more dig in before getting down to business, "You old people are just no fun."

"Wasn't there something important you had to tell us?" Dean asked, choosing deflection over verbal hand to hand combat.

"I'll go easy on you this time," I said as I set my beer down on the bedside table. "Yes there is. Something's going on at the Reservation. Something I've never seen before. The rumor is that you two have been working your way up the all things dark and evil food chain so I thought you might have a clue and Bobby agreed with me. I usually go to him but he said you have some specialized gear that may come in handy."

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