“Why is this movie so boring?” Niki asked clearly bored of watching Chef for the 3rd time. “I only got Chef and Up and you don't like Up” Brian replied

“I'm thirsty is there anything here to drink?” Niki questioned walking toward the kitchen.

“We don’t got much, check the fridge, might be something” Brian announced in a sleepy tone.  As Niki glared into the fridge she saw some Goldfish, Kool Aid, a bunch of expensive looking drinks, a few bottles of water buried far in the back.

“Babe what’s with the goldfish?” Niki questioned.

“I like it cold” Brian replied. Confused, Niki searched the fridge once again. Than she spotted it. Fruit!

“Babe I’m making a smoothie want one?” Niki asked.

“Naaa, grab me some Kool Aid though” Brian demanded. As Niki opened the freezer she was reminded of the time she broke the ice dispenser. She carefully grabbed the ice cube tray from the freezer and placed it softly on the counter. She dug through the dishes searching for the measuring cup, she carefully washed the Kool Aid off of the cup and slowly measured out 10 cups of ice.

Brian peered into the kitchen. “That looks like a bit overboard on the ice there Niki” He announced. She added her fruit of choice, cherrys. She carefully added some vanilla. As she tried to blend the smoothie the blender made an awful noise…

“Babe why is the blender smoking?” Niki asked nervously.

“I think I broke it”  

“That was old anyways we can just get a new one” Brian said.

“Let’s go to the store down the street!” Niki exclaimed.

Joji x Squshion x Niki x Rich BrianWhere stories live. Discover now