Life In His Hands [Book I] Chapter XIV

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        Killer’s POV

        “Ha!” I mumbled to myself as I watched as they smashed the door down to the old mansion and that idiot she called Jake ran in after them. “Good luck.”

        Did they think we were stupid? Did they really think that we weren’t going to be one step ahead of them? Did they really think that she was going to be here when they arrived? Nope. Stupid people. I shook my head and waited for him to return from inside the house. I wanted to see him. I wanted to see the devastation on his face when he saw that she wasn’t there. It’d be the icing on the cake.

        It’d be just like the look I’d missed that was plastered on his face when he thought that his precious Jas was dead.  Oh, and yes, the very same look on his face when he realised that it was Emma. Another dear ‘friend’ of his. I scoffed at the word friend. The way he treated people, I was surprised he had any friends at all. 

        I looked around at all the other cops around. They sure knew how to throw a shindig when they needed to, didn’t they? Bless their cotton socks. They all actually thought that there was going to be something good come out of the end of this. Well, news flash, idiots. No. Chance.

        As my eyes darted back to the door, I saw Jake come out and push his way through the crowd of forensics heading inside. Oh, poor Jacob, his face was a sight. I was going to treasure this moment forever. The moment he realised that he was never, ever going to see Jasmine ever again.

        I seriously wish I could have taken a picture.

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