Chapter Five.

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   I begged mom all last night if I could see dad in jail. She said yes! Tommorow will be my first time meeting my dad. I'm so exicted! What if he doesn't like me though? Nahh I'm sure he'll love me.

    We walk in visting rooms and mom goes up to the seat she tells me to  wait. I eavesdrop their convo and hear my dad for the first time.

   "Betty what the fuck are you doing here."

"Billy calm down. I know what you said."

    "Motherfuck Betty you know I got a family of my own now I'm tired of your fucking mouth and jesus christ you put on pounds did you get pregnant again."

         "No billy im depressed cause I miss you!" She bursted out crying.

"Christ I got a 16 year old, a 10 year old and one on the way Betty im done with you."

   "No! Billy remember Milly? She wants to meet you." 

  "Fuck man I told you to say Finn was her damn dad. I'm not going to be ashamed of a loser of probably how she turned out. Damn."


"Bring her ass over here."

I walked over. "Hi dad." I smiled through the glass.

     "Oh you're not half bad you know. You're not overweight like your mom." He lighted up a cigar.

"Uh hehe yea. When you're out of prison I was thinking could I live with you." 

    "Yeah if you want two big sisters and a little brother sure."

"Yeah sounds awesome! When are you being released."

     "2 months from now. See you sweetie."

"Bye daddy!" I smiled and walked out.

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