Chapter Three.

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  So it was a rainy Sunday of course mom was at work. So I decided to see what was in her closet just to be a little nosy and maybe find evidence of who my dad really is! What if he is a really rich famous celebrity. He was very handsome. And he was so famous he had to hang himself... Ehh going a little to far there ahehe. Hope I didn't offend god. Hahaha. I saw a box. I thought it might have some pictures in it. I opened it and it was just more clothes. Ugh. I closed the box and my mom  came in.

   "Milly? What are you doing.."

"Umm." I widened my eyes. "Nothing."

   "Are you trying to find something in there.. All I have in clothes."

I sighed. "I just wanted to see if I could find anything about my dad in there.." I cried.

  My mom hugged me. "Aww Milly it's okay.."

"Where is my father anyway."

     "He's umm"


    "He's in jail. He was in a mob and he also did not pay child support. Also he murdered to try to make money before you were born so we could take care of you. Well it just took him to jail."

   "Aww. He did that for me.."

"Yes he said you were going to be his little girl."

      "Is he ever going to get out?!?!"

"You're 13 right?"

     "Yeah why."

"Well when your 14 he should be released. I mean he's been in jail since I was 7 months pregnant with you."

  "Will he be able to meet me soon?"

"I don't think so he might be under house arrest for a while at his mom's house in Indiana."

      "Oh.. Can I go there and meet him then!?"

"No... Too far."

    "Can we meet him in jail.."

Mom giggled. "We'll see honey."

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