Chapter 9

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Jennie woke up feeling awful. She didn't understand why at first, but then the memories hit her like a sledgehammer: Coming back to find Lisa hanging over Taehyung. her going into the bedroom to answer the phone. Her following her, rage consuming her. How dare she? The very idea had stunned her. She was attracted to her. Had had erotic dreams about her!

She could still feel her lips on hers.

Her first reaction to her sensual assault had been shock; then her anger had turned to relief, and, just as quickly, to desire.

The woman could kiss. She recalled her kiss as she pushed the covers aside and slid out of her bed. The woman could kiss like no one she'd ever met. her kisses had reached down inside her soul and pulled out every want, every desire, every drop of lust residing inside her body, and had brought it to the surface. She'd wanted her. She still did. Her nipples were erect just at the memories. And she had definitely been excited, too.

Which was all great. Except that she was her editor. And her coworker had caught them going at it!

Groaning, she walked into the bathroom, turned the cold water on in the shower and stepped inside. She had no idea how she was going to face either of them again. But somehow she had to. Should she act as if nothing had happened? Should she talk to Taehyung about it? Should she talk to both of them? And if she talked to either of them, what could she say? She knew what she should say to Lisa. She should say it was an aberration and could never happen again. But she didn't want to say that. And with Taehyung, she didn't have a clue. There really was nothing to say.

Sighing, Jennie turned off the water and grabbed a towel off the rack. She wrapped it turban-style around her wet hair, then grabbed a second towel to dry off. Next, she grabbed the terrycloth robe the hotel had provided and, bundled in that, she walked to the mirror and made a face at herself. She had to dry her hair, do her face, dress and then go out and see Taehyung and Lisa. Ugh.

Jennie reached for the towel around her hair, meaning to get the worst of the water out before blow-drying it, when she noticed marks on her neck. Pausing, she stared for a moment. Then, leaning into the mirror and turning her head to the side, she peered out of the corners of her eyes at her neck.

For the longest time she just stared at the two small puncture marks, all sorts of thoughts running through her mind: Lisa's books, with characters all bearing the same names as her family. The evening wedding. Lisa and her mother being allergic to the sun. The head wound that had appeared to bleed so copiously, but that she couldn't find and that didn't appear to bother Lisa at all after she washed the blood away. The way she'd been leaning over Taehyung when she'd returned, her mouth against her friend's neck. The fact that Taehyung hadn't even seemed to be aware of her presence, and hadn't reacted at all to Jennie's return.

Yet she didn't recall Lisa biting her last night. Did she?

Oh. Suddenly she saw an image of being half-naked in Lisa's arms, her breasts brushing her soft breasts as she thrust herself against her hand and nibbled on her neck. She had assumed she was giving her a hickey, maybe; hadn't cared, it had felt so good. "Dear God," she'd moaned. And "Don't stop." She'd even turned her head to allow her better access.

Her hands dropped to her sides. she'd bitten her. Not only was Lisa Manoban a vampire, she'd bite her!

Turning on her heel, she charged out of the bathroom.

"You bit me!"

Lisa's eyes popped open, and she sprang upright on the bed to stare at the woman in the doorway. her eyes were bleary with exhaustion. she hadn't slept at all well or long. A body couldn't take six hundred years of sleeping during the day and switch to sleeping at night just like that. she had lain in bed awake for most of the night, wondering if Jennie was very pissed at her and when she would be able to get her into her arms again. Judging by her expression now, she wasn't guessing anytime soon.

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