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her motercycle and wig but its blond ok 

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her motercycle and wig but its blond ok 

her motercycle and wig but its blond ok 

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face claim^

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face claim^

tatia al guhl younger sister to nyssa and talia




when tatia was 6 years old a man named malcom merlyin joined the league of assains after his wife was killed after being in the leauge for years when tatia was 15 years malcom was relased from the leauge tatias father ras al guhl sent her with him to watch over him tatia became know as the daughter of malcom merlyin malory merlin just a year after being in star city oliver went with his dad on there boat and snuch sara tatia was told bye ras to go there were strained on an island were they met shadow, and slade then they joined the bravata and then back to the island were oliver belived that tatia died when really her father picked her up and she was with the leauge and still is oliver belives that nyssa ended the leauge but he dosent know that malcom had the fake ring when tatia had the real one and is running the leauge out of a new loaction and that malcom didnt die on the island tatia saved him with the lazuria pit he is know her second in command 

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