Draco nods and lets out a squeal of excitement. He was going to be hanging out with Blaise today and he couldn't wait. The two had gotten closer ever since the trip to hogsmead that they all took together. He knew that they were once best friends and he could definitely see why when he got to know the sweet and caring boy.

"Thank you, thank you!" Draco squeaks out, jumping up to place a kiss on Harry's lips. Harry lets out a chuckle between the multiple pecks that his bold little baby was giving him.

"Okay, okay baby boy, go get ready and don't forget to put the bracelet on," Harry rasps out, gently pushing Draco towards the bathroom so he could freshen up.

"Okay," Draco beams up at his handsome boyfriend and rushes off to the bathroom, not missing the endearing chuckle that Harry emits. He was so excited for the day and he couldn't wait to spend time and make new memories with his best friend.
Draco was skipping and humming through the halls. He smiled at everyone passing by, his happiness being so contagious that they all chuckled or giggled and smiled right back. Everyone absolutely adored the little snake and couldn't help but to linger a little longer, making sure that he didn't hurt himself, especially since Harry wasn't around. Draco was oblivious to the attention and happily continued on his way.

He was heading back to his and Harry's room. His time with Blaise was wonderful. They hung around the castle and even meandered outside, laughing, joking and having an amazing time in each other's presence. Draco must admit that he was cheeky at times, something that Blaise brought out of him. He was a blushing mess when Blaise had teased him about Harry, but the tables soon turned when he sneakily mentioned Ron.

Draco was brought out of his reminiscing by an owl flying through an open window and landing on the ground in front of him. Draco, confused, put out his arm out, waiting for the little barn owl to fly up and land there. It let out a little hoot and held out its leg.

"F-For me?" Draco asked, the confusion evident in his tone. The owl lets out another soft hoot and wiggles it's leg a little. Draco unwraps the little parchment from around the little owl's leg and opens it. The owl flies away, though, not before Draco gave it some praise and a very soft rubbing of its tummy. The boy is skeptical on what the letter could possibly be and decides not to open it yet just in case it had a curse or hex on it.

He slips the letter in his pocket and picks up his pace wanting to show Harry the mysterious paper. Draco finally makes it, unlocks the door and bursts in the room. Harry was in the middle of making their bed, having been moping around since his baby wasn't there,   when Draco came rushing through the door. He took in Draco's slightly panting form and his ashen face, furrowing his brows in concern as he did so.

"What's wrong baby?" Harry questions. Bed forgotten, he heads over and places his hands on Draco's arms, soothingly rubbing them up and down. Draco calms enough to start talking.

"I-I got a letter w-when I was w-walking back here. I don't kn-know who it's from," Draco breathes out. He takes the letter from his pocket and with shaking hands holds it out to Harry. The front had Draco's name scrawled in elegant cursive. Harry gently plucked the letter from Draco's outstretched hands and went to open it.

"Wait!" Harry stops his movements and raises a questioning eyebrow at Draco's outburst. Draco blushes but gives his explanation anyway, "what-what if it's c-cursed?" Draco questions, fear evident in his voice. Everything about Harry softens at his little baby's wobbly question.

"It's alright baby. I'll be fine and besides, if it was cursed I would have detected the magic by now," Harry soothingly states, invading Draco's space as he does so and placing a gentle kiss to his nose. Draco's face scrunches at the sensation, but a blush makes its way up his cheeks anyway. Harry lets out a grin then moves his attention back to the letter.

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