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Character description:

Mike : He is 6ft 3in, has black hair with electric grey eyes, a really built body , and has many so called friends, and he has his eyes set on a certain blond named Jackie. Age is 18 ("straight")

Jackie: He is 5ft tall, has blond hair with very different lavender eyes, likes to wear girl clothes that emphasize his curvy figure, and he has a very big crush on Mike. Age is 17 (as straight as rainbow)


 Jackie's POV

Going to school is so much of a struggle because people think it is ok to make everyone else who looks different or in my case better than them feel like complete sh*t. Sorry forgot to introduce myself my name is Jack, but everyone in my family and friends call me Jackie and I roll with it. Anyway back to the huge sexy problem I see at the end of the hall every single day at school Michael Dunn is sex on legs he will make you cum on the spot.

 Well back to reality for a second I need to get ready for school which includes actually getting out of the bed at some point this morning. I walk into my walk-in closet and stand and see what color I want to wear today after standing there for 10 minutes I decide to wear a red crop-top with a high waisted skirt with thigh high red socks and my white pumps. I head into the shower and come out after 30 minutes with my hair and makeup done as well as fully clothed. I head downstairs and kiss my mom and dad before eating breakfast.

"Goodmorning mommy and daddy!" 

"Morning baby how did you sleep" asked my daddy

"What would you like for breakfast sweety?" asked mommy

"I slept great and I would like a fruit salad please"

 After I ate I grabbed one of the many car keys I own and decided to ride my red Ferrari today to school. After the 20 minute ride to school I found an empty parking space and parked and waited in front of my car for my friend to arrive. While I was waiting I was on my phone and I heard my number one bitch Cassie running towards me along with the rest of our friends. I gave her a big hug and I greeted my other friends, but I noticed something out the regular which was Mike staring in our direction and I didn't give it much thought and we decided to head inside and stop at my locker everyone else went to their own lockers. When I closed my locker Mike I was standing right next to me I was really surprised because I did not expect him to be there.

"Is there something you need big guy?"

"Yeah there is I need to know why that Robert was all over you touching what's not his?"

"First of all bring the anger level down. Next Robert is just a friend sweetie plus what's it to you."

"He better be just a friend because you belong to me princess."

 After he said that he walked away leaving me with bright red cheeks and at that moment Cassie came and asked me what that was about I told her I will tell her the details later during lunch. We parted ways because I had math and she had science and to my luck I had class with the sexy beast I just happened to speak with. When I walk into the room there isn't many students in the room and the teachers wasn't in the room so I went and sat down in the back of the room and started playing with my phone. I noticed that someone was starting to sit next to me I just kept playing with my phone until the bell rung signaling class has begun I was still on my phone and I noticed a piece of paper on my desk and I opened it and it read:

'Hey princess, let me get your number?'

At that moment I looked up and saw Mike siting very close with his arm on my chair.

'Why do you want it?'

I'm going to play hard and see how that goes for now I passed him the paper and looked forward. He passed me the paper again 

'Since you won't give me your number I'll give you mine xxx-xxx-xx23 xoxo text me princess'

 Skip to lunch time ******

 I walked into the cafeteria and found my friends and I sat on Cassie's lap and gave her a hug and I was pulled away from her. When I look up at the person I am surprised that it was Mike holding me by the waist. 

"You are only allowed to sit on my lap princess your all mine." he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck and walked away calmly.

I headed out for a second with Cassie following close behind.

"OMG what was that about?!" 

"I HAVE NO IDEA but I'm so happy!!!"


 When I arrived this morning I saw a red Ferrari coming into the school parking lot and saw my sexy princess stepping out of his car.   I was so mad when I saw that Robert piece of shit hugging my princess I wanted to beat him to a pulp, but I didn't do because I didn't want any problems. When I walked inside I got an instant hard on when I saw my princess bending down I almost saw his panties and what a sight it was. 

JACKIE'S POV (last switch)

 I decided to go to the bathroom to touch up my makeup little did I know someone was in the bathroom and I see the sexiest man alive coming out of the stall.

"Hey princess missed me already?" he said while keeping a smirk on his face 

He was so close I could smell his cologne and let me tell you he smelled so fucking good. While I was too busy spacing out his lips are getting closer.

"I wonder how good your lips would taste if I eat them" he said before kissing me 

The kiss was so hungry and so passionate that we were probably eating each other. My hands found his hair and his hands found my waist meanwhile his knee found its way in between my thighs and it felt so good. He kept rubbing me with his knee while we kept eating each other. After a while we had to break apart for some air, he gave me a peck and walked out saying "call me princess" he winked at me before leaving the bathroom.


Well cookies I'm going to end it right here I'll right another part to this story soon!!!! 

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