Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V.

We set off on our journey early in the morning. The trio now becoming a quartet as due the White dragon

His departure from the village was quite emotional. The whole village sought it their duty to see him off which made me smile. Everyone was so kind, kind of reminded me of home. Lively happy and full of life.... "We should get going" Yun, he seemed eager to deal with beanpole's and the snakes bickering. With some contribution of yours truly sprinkled in

When we reached the entrance of the village they discussed where we were to be heading after

"I say we make our way down the mountain and continue from there" I contributed to the discussion

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea" Yun seemed doubtful

"...but?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow

"What after" Hak finished Yun's thought making me shrug

"If I'm not mistaken you're looking for the four dragons right?" The white dragon asked to which Yona confirmed "I can feel the presence of those who carry the four dragons' blood" I looked sceptical at the claim "Even though we were separated from ancient times we can faintly feel each other's' presence, we're like brothers. Our blood calls for each other"

Yona deemed the ability as useful and so we made our way down the mountain. "What's your name? Everyone back at the village would just call you 'White dragon' but that can't be your name right?" Yona inquired, he seemed to ponder it or, more like think back to something

"Please call me Kija" They stopped to talk

"Pick up your pace or we'll leave ya' behind!" I call out to them

We stopped to take a small break. Kija went over to the river to refresh himself while Yona sat leaning against a tree "Mr. White Snake, you must be exhausted from all the unfamiliar traveling" Hak approached Kija saying the previous

"Call me White Snake one more time and I'll slash your throat"

I chuckle "I'd like to see that happen" I call out from my spot in the tree Yona was leaning against

"What's up with you and trees! A third of the time I see you, you're in a tree" beanpole retorts oh so matter of factly making me grin lazily

"Trees are great" beanpole rolls his eyes before returning to his conversation with Kija

Their bickering is quite amusing if I do say so myself, though everyone else thinks otherwise. Yona has to punch 'em both in the jaw to shut them up and scolds them too. I find the sight to be laugh inducing as a visibly little girl is yelling at two tall muscular young men

I jump down from my spot in the tree and fill up my water bottle before grabbing my stuff and trailing behind the boy genius "Come on!" Yun called out to everyone else. Yona runs up to us while the guys slowly make their way to us glaring at each other

Kija seemed to be grossed out by everything and anything the further we walked. Yet he took the lead pointing us in the direction of the Blue dragon declaring him to be the closest. Taking a firm and confident step forward he seemed to be falling into a ditch

I ran up to the edge looking down on him. The sight sure was a wonder as I burst out into a fit of laughter. He was completely unscathed yet absolutely traumatized because of every creepy crawly. I squirmed on the ground clenching my stomach. At my reaction everyone else took a glimpse, Hak was next to make fun of the white snake as he'd made a habit of calling him

Once we'd gotten him out he squirmed about ridding himself of the bugs "You forgot one" I point to his back with a dead serious look. He scrambled to swat his arms over every possible surface of his back to get it off, I cackled at the sight "She's just kidding, there's nothing there" Yona assured him

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