"The Simple Truth" updated Aug, 5, 2011 (Finished)

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Is it, GOD? The GOD inside all of us?
    It may stand to reason that the mitochondria gather and power our cells because of the ability of our cells to disassemble competitors and go on replicating. Then there’s the catch, without being “Powered” by mitochondria would our cells be able to even perform this function? (or any other?)
    Beside being the DNA force that powers our cells, it stands to reason they are probably the source of intelligence behind our cells; and cell consciousness. 

My cells have the intelligence to perform their function without me having to think about it.                    I don't think, heart beat, breath now.  (etc.)

    The more absurd theory, “Do we have alien DNA in our bodies?”  Since they are the very, “Bacteria” that actually powers our cells, “gives them life”.

Who knows? Mitochondria may have come to this planet on a fallen comet. 

    Sound NUTS!
    Yes it sounds a bit nuts.

    Never-the-less it’s true. You can either take my word for it, or get off your lazy asses and research this information yourself. I highly encourage/recommend this.
The more intelligent minds we have pondering these questions, the more likely we are to come up with some reasonable answers.

    Near the base of the human skull is the stem of the brain. Poking up from the spinal column.
This mass of brain tissue was from our earliest ancestors, the reptiles.
    Like a peach pit. Primitive, instinctual orders, twenty-four-seven.
      Upgraded, “mammals“. The fruit around the pit. The, “Mammalian” brain”. A different,” added” ..guide to a bunch of behavior and emotions.
     Stand the fuck up. Look the hell around, what’s the deal with the world?
Nature complied. A new structure. Yes a layer of skin over the old two…(reptilian and mammal) The neocortex.
    Now humans with their dreams and beliefs can exalted themselves to something, in-between animals And, “GOD”(s) while the reptile and mammal scream from inside THEIR skulls. (instinctual desires?)
    How many simple instinctive desires are considered, “bad, evil, sinful, immoral”, etc., by most religions or societies in the world, Right Now”?

(anti-social behavior, there are laws against being a true human animal)

     Approximately or about three million years ago,  the date most often given in research as the first sign of fossil evidence of the higher primate that would be called man. So humans are
believed to be that old.
    Believe what you want. If your way to positive thinking and acceptance in your present social order depends on LIE, that can’t be good. If your way to acceptance is through blind faith in the absurd, there is a problem.                                                                  

    About fifty thousand years ago something, “Different” happened with the humans. They begin to attempt to talk. Did their voice box evolve? I doubt it.
The development of language started the sharing of ideas. The idea of self-awareness?
What else?
    Humans have 46 chromosomes, which carry all our genes. It is this genetic code that gives us the abilities we have. “Supposedly” bright, complex, unique creatures. It would seem that the humans, being what they are; would have more chromosomes then Earths other primates.
The fact is, we don’t. Most of the great apes, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, have 48 chromosomes, two more then humans.
     If humans, “homo sapiens” are suppose to be the smart ones how did we end up with less chromosomes? I will theorize that around the time of the development of speech, and the sharing of ideas; we lost a couple of chromosomes.
Scientist have been pondering this for decades. A 1982 study published in the journal, “Science” started to provide some clues. Evidence of our “missing” two genes involved telomeres, the protective caps at the end of chromosomes that keep them from unraveling.
These “telomeres” are kind of like the plastic caps at the end of your shoelaces. Because they function like this you wouldn’t expect to find strands hanging out in the middle of chromosomes.
Well in 1982 that’s exactly where scientist found them. Snuggled up against the Centromere, or central sequence, of chromosome 2. These out-of-place telomeres were strikingly similar to the telomeres that can be found on the tips of the two extra chromosomes of the great apes.
A new hypothesis: Scientists now believe that the two missing chromosomes had fused together, rather then disappearing.
    Now if the two chromosomes had “fused together“, then there would, and should be one long one, and only one missing. I believe this stands to reason. “Logic“.
“They” say (They say a lot) The format had changed, but they hadn’t lost any information. In 2005, the chimpanzee genome was sequenced.  Scientist could now clearly see that the human chromosome 2. Line up quite perfectly with the chimp chromosome 12 & 13.
    Fuck the scientist, the chromosomes were in pairs, , humans having 46 and great apes having 48, tells “by the rule of Logic”  that humans lost a PAIR, and the chromosome sequence fused together in the continued patterned sequence. “Repetitive design“.
    Now you have to wonder , 
     What would happen if through genetic engineering we fuse these, “Missing Chromosomes” back into place?
     What could we loose? What could we gain?
     What if anything did the DNA that powers our cells, “mitochondria” have to do with this step in evolution?
    The  humans that attempted, “The Sharing of Ideas” were in many ways like the replicators that could break down the components of their competitors. They lived on to replicate/reproduce.
    Now put the question in you mind, on what atomic, molecular, gene, level is it programmed into humans to take apart their competitors, to use components for their purpose?
    (There are ways people are always attempting to, “Disassemble” their opponents in the modern world, in every area, including their social life’s)
     All but for about the  last ten thousand years the humans were a very minor part of the world ecosystem. There was movement and there was growth, but it was very slow.

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