I feel a breeze as Vidia darts from the room and my knees begin the shake. Just as I feel like I was going to collapse, warm hands grab my waist as rough hands take the other side, holding me up.

"Not long now, Tink."

"Nearly there. Hang on, just a few more minutes."

The voices are too distant to place a name and my vision too blinded by pain to see anything.

Then, it was over, and the pain vanished, but the hands holding me stay. I feel myself being lifted off the ground and placed on something soft. Then it all goes dark.


"Is she dead?" Someone asks, their voice distant but familiar.

"Of course not, Silvermist. Just weak, and the pain from her wing drained her. The colour is coming back to her now. Peri's fine, just having her wings cooled in a bowl of ice now," a harsher voice says, talking to the first. Each word said becomes clearer, less distant. The voices sound more familiar, only not clear enough to name just yet.

"You guys go check on Peri, I'll watch Tink," A male says to the two girls.

"Right," a third says, and a slight breeze tells me that they left.

"Tink?" The man says, and the voice is much louder than those of the the females. "Tinkerbell?" The name pops into my head. Terrance.

I will my eyes to open but they don't, much to my infuriating annoyance.

"Is her wing..." A voice that sounds so much like my own that I have no trouble naming, Peri. My sister ... my twin. My other half. Her voice sounds fearful.

I cringe internally, waiting for the reply.

Instead, a hand lifts my torso up and something - no ... not something, someone - strokes my wing, lifts it up and lays it back down, lowering me down too.

"Good as new," Terrance says, the smile he was wearing clear in his voice, without which, I would never have guessed that he was grinning.

I hear a sigh and I open my eyes slowly, carefully.

"Hey, Tink," Terrence says to me as I bring a hand up to stifle my yawn.

I smile at him.

"Peri, stop fussing. You can come a check her for yourself!"

Peri, my sister, appears at my side in an instant, alongside my friends.

"Thank the lucky stars." Fawn pulls me up to my feet and holds me there while everyone but Terrance and Vidia fuss over me. They just stand watching, smiling in amusement as I'm fused over. Fawn lets go, but a second later, I am wrapped in Peri's embrace.

"I was so worried," she murmurs. I relax into the embrace and pat her on the back.

"I'm fine, just a bit dizzy and confused."

She pulls away from me instantly.

I look at her, feeling hurt. As I look around the room I see everyone wears the same expression - shock and horror. "Guys, really, I know who you all are and everything from when I arrived here at pixie hollow to now."

They all visibly relax.

Terrence steps forward, smiling. "Ready to fly, Tink?"

I grin at him. "Lets do this."

He puts his hands in his pocket and withdraws a handful of pixie dust.

I nod at him and he releases it over my head. I look at my sister and she nods. We raise our wings together, me slower than her but she waits. She beats them once and lifts off of the ground. I beat mine slowly, very much like I did when I flew for the first ever time. I leave the ground and fly around my house, laughing in joy. When I land, I notice that Peri had a dark glint in her eyes.

"I didn't do this!" I exclaim, pointing at my wing and then my door.

"I wondered why your door was - well, scattered around the room and outside," Silvermist muses.

I giggle.

Peri looks at me.

"Clank and Bobble came to get me because of the new fairy but -"

"The door was locked and Clank saw no other way in than by breaking down your door?" Vidia finishes.

I nod, earning a sigh from half the room, but not one of happiness or relaxation. One of irritation.

"Jeez, he really has no brain, does he. Come on, lets go," Vidia orders. "The fairy was still in Spring last I saw. We have time."

With that, we all dart from my house to the pixie dust tree, where the new fairy was just floating in, carried on a wind of Vidia's creation.

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