Chapter 3

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    I sat in the front seat, with Nada next to me.  As the teacher came in all I could think about was what occurred in the past few days, it mostly was a blur, but I could make up some things. 
"-ariam, Mariam!" Nada whispered but shouted in my ear in order to bring my back to earth

"What?" I shouted

"The teacher" Nada said while looking down

   I looked in front of me and the teacher seemed upset like always, she sighed and started talking again

"As I was saying" said the teacher while rolling her eyes "we have a new student"

  'I sat up straight as soon as she said that.  I wonder who it is.  Is it a boy or a girl? '
And with that the classroom door opened and he came in....Lucifer was in my class!!! And here I was thinking that was just a weird dream. Wth is going on!!

"Hello are you the new teacher?" The teacher asked cheerfully

"Yeah I am..."

"Oh that's great please introduce yourself to the class"

"My name is Luke"

"Okay you can sit next to Mariam"

   Lucifer smirked and walked towards his seat. Why on earth did he have to sit next to me?! And why'd he call himself Luke

"He's hot!" Nada whispered in my ear

  I took a closer look at him, and I've never noticed it before but he is actually hot

"What's wrong princess?" Asked Lucifer

"Um-uh isn't your name Lucifer?" I asked softly so nobody could hear

"Yea but saying a demons name is your name...isn't really a good idea.."

  As he said that I could feel Nada's smirk from the back of my head. But honestly, she can't know that he is a demon and that he owns me...I've never thought I'd say that to myself...or anyone in fact..

  School ended and apparently I got to know a little more about Lucifer. I talked a little with him and it looked like all the other girls got an interest in him.  But I'm still confused about the whole thing what did happen that night? And this seems too real to be a dream, I'm actually starting to believe it, am I going crazy?!


I know the story might seem boring now, but don't worry the story will get better soon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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