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Ifeoluwa pov
Today is day, yeah the day for the date and am nervous , I don't even know why am nervous it not like he is going to declare his undying love for me or something so I tried to calm my self as much as I can while bouncing my feet nervously waiting for him. His insisted he will come to my place to pick me and also drop me off , so here I am waiting for him patiently for him to arrive in 5min time. I heard the door bell and glanced at my wrist watch,he was right on time I picked my purse making sure everything I will essentially need is in it and I went down the flight of stairs gently , taking my time due to my nerves .
I have a feeling today is not going to go as planned but it probably my nerves wreck talking so I ignored it.
Jide was the only thing I saw immediately I entered the room and I couldn't take my eyes off him until my brother cleared his throat rather noisily which I rolled my eyes at
"Okay so,make sure to keep her safe and bring her back by 7 latest in one piece and remember no kissing, hugging and definitely no sex" Daniel said in a very serious voice I hear only once in a year .
I couldn't say anything,my brain refused to think of any better comeback line so I did the only rational thing I could which was to open my mouth and stare at him like someone from another planet I was almost tempted to ask this Alien to produce my beloved stupid brother. Well I think the mouth opening project was going a little too well because Jide asked me to close my mouth and that was the official grand opening ceremony of the most embarrassing moment of my life hosting me, my crush and off course my annoying big brother so I just begged the ground to open up and silently swallow me but the ground refused to answer me and I heard my stupid's big brother unmistakably mocking laughter and my emotions went 360 from being embarrassed to angry and I was so ready to murder someone but luckily I was held back by Jide
"You should have seen your face" Daniel said doing nothing to hide the fact that he was clearly mocking me by laughing which only annoyed me further
"I couldn't stop my self from saying that line, I see it in American movies all the time and I couldn't wait to say it , now I know the reason why the fathers says it " Daniel said while trying to keep himself from rolling on the floor with laughter again
"Well as you said it is the father who says the line not that brother" I said trying to keep my anger at bay.
"I know I just couldn't wait for my daughter" he said as if every normal human beings will think like that but who am I kidding Daniel is on where near normal
"I will bring her back by 7 and make sure she is safe and off course no kiss,hug or sex" Jide said
"Okay then you guys can go, have fun " Daniel said casually as if he had not just embarrassed me.
"You look pretty" Jide said bringing me out of my trance
And that was how a black girl officially turns red from blushing, I was short of word I could only mutter a small thank you which he nods his head and led me to the car.
The car ride was interesting more then I expected, Jide had a way of easing my nerves and we were already conversing and laughing in no time like old friends . We didn't know we were already there until the driver informed us.
I noticed we were at ikeja city mall
"I planned for a movie , lunch some other things later so what do you want to do first , I was thinking lunch first thought you will be hungry"
Truthfully I was hungry I didn't eat much breakfast cause I was nervous about today
" okay let's eat first"
We just left the movie theater and it was 5pm figure we still have two hours left and I was having great fun, I was really enjoying my self.
"Am getting hungry again how about some pizza and and ice cream" Jide said
I was about to ask him how come he is already hungry after the heavy Lunch we had but I just nodded my head cause he is a guy so I think he has the right to be hungry. We decided to go to domino pizza for the pizza and cold stone for the ice cream.
By the time we finished which was already 6:40 we were both exhausted and decided to call it a day.
I was waiting for him to pay the bills when my phone rang, It was an Unknow number so I picked it but couldn't hear what the person was saying so I decided to go out side to pick and then I heard the only voice that could make my heart skip a bit in fear
"Hi Oliver , did you miss me" I didn't say anything cause I was afraid I will burst into tears ,yeah that how scared I was
" you see you have been disobeying me a lot recently, I told you not to tell that little boyfriend of yours yet you refused , I really don't want to do this but you left me no choice" he said in a rather sad voice
My heart skipped a bit or maybe more then one ,I couldn't comprehend what he was trying to say so I turned to the ice cream palour to look for Jide and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw he was safe until I saw a guy behind an unsuspecting Jide holding a knife and I felt my legs buckle under me , I was scared for Jide's life so I did the only thing my brain could think of , I begged
"Please S-Samuel don't do anything to him, am sorry for telling him just please don't drag him into this"
" you dragged him into this your self when you told him everything"
"Samuel am sorry, please I will do anything" I said crying like my life depends on it, I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.
" okay fine I will spare his life, if only u meet me at the parking lot in 5 min "
I didn't wait for him to finish talking as I picked my self from the floor and ran towards the stairs with people looking at me like alien but I could only care less I jumped the last flight of stairs and ran to the parking lot , I stopped to look around and felt my phone vibrated again I picked only to hear Samuel's voice telling me to look at the end of the park lot and there he was looking like an angel in his white crispy shirt and White trousers. Have only heard about fallen angles but I bet Samuel could be easily passed as one, the only thing giving him away was his dirty smirks and the way his eyes trailed over my body like a starving lion who finally found his prey and I was mortified I couldn't move away from where i was.
All my body parts froze in fear because they wouldn't even listen to my brain command to run even as he stalked towards me like an hunter would.
I couldn't comprehend what was happening until I felt his cold lips on mine, right then all my sense opened and started working so I tried to push him away but Samuel being so smart held my hands and there was nothing I could do but scream which was muffled against his mouth. He didn't stop tho instead he tried to deepen the kiss by trying to pry my mouth open with his tongue then I couldn't stand him any longer and I bite him until I tasted blood before releasing him.
And the sick bastard did the most unbelievable thing ; he laughed like he actually burst into laughter and held his tummy like I was acting a comedy show
"Hmmm, fetish I see ; I prefer my woman better that way" he said checking the place I bit him
Now I was beyond ferocious
"What do you want from me Samuel, just leave me alone and let me live my life" I shouted at him knowing I will regret it later but I could careless, I was tired if being pushed around like a rag doll enough is enough, I don't know where this confidence was coming from but I liked it
"Hmmmm I see you have gotten a lot bolder, you are no longer that scared girl who was afraid of even her own shadow,who will do anything to get accepted by people around her even if it meant selling her self like a slut "
That was the last straw, I couldn't hold my anger any longer so I raised my hand up to slap him which off course earned me a slap that made see seven stars in return
"You are so going to regret raising your hand to slap me" he said in a very angry voice that sent shudders all over my body and I needed no pastor to tell I just woke the devil up.
I felt a Sharp sting and a needle pierced my skin pushing clear white fluid into my blood stream, before I could ask what he was doing to me I felt my body go limp, I could feel everything going on but I couldn't say or do anything ,I tried to scream for help but I couldn't make any sound the only think I could do was cry as my eyes shut out them self, not know what Samuel would do to me
Am so sorry for the long wait,I was busy but now this is an update so expect another one very soon
Pls note all characters are fictional and they all live in my head
Pardon any mistake you come across because if I decided to edit before posting then I won't be updating anytime soon so just read with love
And pls remember to press the little star button to vote ,comment and please share.
See u soon

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