Part 17

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Demi pov

A month has gone by And I've been everywhere doing shows. Rachel helps me when I'm down about jake when she's not flirting with every girl she sees. She stopped flirting with me and stopped call me beautiful like she use to. I don't know why but I'm of jealous when she flirts with other girls. Tonight is the last show for a week then we go back on the road. After the show we get back to the hotel and Rachel lays down with her phone to FaceTime with some girl. I lay down in my bed alone like usual thinking of the show and jake. An hour later Rachel comes in "I'm going to bed goodnight Demi". Before she leaves I get up "will you lay with me for a little while just till I fall asleep please". Rachel goes to the other side of the bed and lays down. Rachel says "you know you did great tonight". "Aw thanks Rachel thank you for staying with me on this tour I know it can be overwhelming". Rachel says "I'm just glad we ditched the tour bus for a little while it's too small". We both laugh and I turn over to look at Rachel "why don't you call me beautiful anymore or try to flirt with me". Rachel doesn't answer and then she says "because then I thought I had a chance with you but your not a lesbian or bi so I guess I just stopped trying". Then Rachel looks at me "I try to change girls if I really like them but it didn't work for you". I'm scared about what I want to say to Rachel but I have to say it". I pull her in and close my eyes. Are lips slowly crash together. We both open are eyes "Demi do you like me". I kiss her again "I think i do". I put my head on her chest and she wraps her arms around me. A few minutes I fall asleep.

Rachel pov

Rachel pov

The next morning Demi is gone and there's a note on the bed "goodmorning beautiful I'm in the kitchen making breakfast". I go in and sneak up behind her then hug her from behind. She turns around and hugs me. Demi says "I'm getting feelings for you more then a friend but I don't wanna rush things I wanna take things slow". "Can we still kiss" I ask and give her a cute face. Demi takes my cheek and kisses me. "I hope that answers your question". She puts some pancakes on a plate and we sit in front of the tv. Tmz comes on with a new breaking story "Demi lovato pregnant with nick Jonas baby". Demi looks at me "it's not true I swear, we never had sex I promise". "I believe you Demi". She turns the channel and puts the id channel on. Some crime shows come on and we stay in all day just watching them. I go into the kitchen and grab some water Demi comes in hugs me from behind "so what do you wanna do for dinner". To be funny I look at her "you". Demi just stares "what". "You heard me". Demi says "stop we can't rush things even though I am sexually frustrated". I bite my lip "I could have that taken care very fast". Demi looks at me breathing heavy then says "okay I'm taking a cold shower now I'll be right back". Demi takes a shower and I go back into watch more crime shows. Demi gets out 10 minutes later and asks "wanna just order food and watch movies for the rest of the night". I grab the clicker and a pile of movies "sounds perfect". Demi says "okay I'll have someone get us candy and snacks too."

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