O Christmas Tree [Chanlix]

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Tbh this was slightly inspired by The OC (which I've been rewatching recently). I really like the Christmas episodes (or rather, Chrismukkah episodes but y'know) and when Summer was looking for a Christmas tree I just found myself thinking of this as a skz scenario. Not my best one but oh well...

PUBLISHED: 12/20/2018
EDITED: 09/11/2020

"Babe, please... we've been here for over three hours. Just pick one," Felix whined impatiently, but Chan was too busy inspecting Christmas trees to pay attention to his boyfriend. He rattled one.

"Too small..." he muttered to himself, going on to the next one. "Too big..." he said.

"Channie, please. It's just a stupid tree. Just pick a random one," Felix complained. Chan shot his boyfriend a look.

"I can't just pick a random one! It needs to last for the next few weeks and still look pretty!" he said like it was the most serious thing in the world. Felix rolled his eyes and then pointed at a random tree.

"What about this one?" he asked. Chan furrowed his brows and then stepped closer to the tree, slightly rattling it.

"Drops too many needles. We'd be lucky if it even lasted until the 24th," the older said seriously. Felix groaned. Chan's love for Christmas was really endearing but walking around for three hours only to pick a godforsaken tree really wasn't one of Felix's favorite activities.

Chan rattled on a few more trees, finding something to criticize about every single one of them. Felix was about to declare defeat and just opt to wait in the car when the younger let out a triumphant shout.

"This one's perfect!" he exclaimed.

Felix looked at the tree. It didn't seem much different from all the other ones, but he wasn't going to tell Chan that, glad that he had finally made a decision.


Once they'd gotten the tree home and set up, Felix let himself fall on the couch with an exhausted sigh. Chan sat next to him cross-legged, a small pout on his face. "I'm sorry I took so long to pick a tree..." he apologized. Felix looked at him.

How could he stay annoyed when Chan gave him that cute puppy look of his?

"It's okay, baby. I know how important Christmas is to you. And you picked a really nice tree," Felix said. Chan's face lit up a little.

"You think?" he asked. Felix chuckled and pecked his boyfriend's cheek.

"Of course. Now all that's left is to properly decorate it," he stated. Chan grinned and got up again with newfound energy.

"That's the hardest part, Felix. Are you sure you're up for it?" he asked.

Felix laughed. "I'm so up for it!"

He wasn't sure if decorating really was the hard part after he had just spent four hours trying to even pick a tree to decorate, but he found himself not really minding. As long as he got to spend his time with Chan, he'd gladly deal with the struggles of finding and decorating the perfect Christmas tree. 

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