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OKAY! I'm planning on doing requests! If you give me a description and such, I'll draw them! I draw people, nothing NSFW, I really only do females, because I'm really bad at guys. So yeah. I'll give you a format, okay?

These, '', mean to write what is specified in there, okay?

'Something about asking me to draw the character'
'Skin color and skin imperfections'
'Hair color and length, style if you'd like, or styles you wouldn't like'
'Favorite colors'
'What kind of clothing they wear/their style'
'Interests/specific items to use with them, and maybe some details about the items'
'Any specific special things about them'
'Anything else you'd like me to include'
(If this info is somewhere else, tell me where and I'll get it from there. I'll ask questions if I have any.)

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If you want me to draw someone, I'll tag you when I post it. If you ever decide to use my bad art, Just tag me and tell them that it wasn't drawn by you. Please. 

(No one's gonna want me to draw their character. What am I doing with my life?)


EDIT!: I had a question about whether this is just for OCs. It's for OCs, real people, characters from other stuff, whatever. I hope that helps!

Warning: This is a Really Bad Art Book (REQUESTS ARE OPEN!)Where stories live. Discover now