“She doesn’t really have a choice, Severus,” Albus said, “She is required by law to accept a petition. You are the only option.”

Severus pinched his nose. Miss Granger was not going to take this well.

“As her husband, I have a right to beat her, don’t I?” Severus asked.

The Headmaster scowled at him. Severus smirked.

“You can discipline her within reason, Severus. Remember, Miss Granger is not one of your…paramours. Very likely she won’t welcome physical punishment,” the Headmaster said, his eyes narrowed. “I think it best if you two just live as separate lives as possible. Just tell her your rules. She is a smart girl. There should be no reason for you to put your hands on her, Severus. Hopefully this situation will not last long.”

Severus rose from his chair.

“Very well, Headmaster. When will we be tying the proverbial knot?” the Potions Master asked.

“Saturday afternoon,” the Headmaster replied.

Damn. Catherine was coming over Saturday night to spend some quality time with him. He hoped she wouldn’t take his marriage to Hermione too badly. No one could give head like that witch. He’d hate to lose her talents just because of a little thing like a wife. He sighed.

“Couldn’t we do it Sunday?” the Professor asked.

“No,” Albus said firmly.

“Very well,” Severus said, heading for the floo.

“Thank you for not fighting me on this, Severus,” the Headmaster said. The Potions Master turned to look at him, his black eyes glittering.

“Albus, I could have raged about this the entire time I was in your presence, and the outcome would have been the same. The fact is, you have me at a disadvantage, and have since I first agreed to serve the Order. I know my duty, sir. Whether or not I like it is of no consequence. So there is no need to thank me. My whole life is lived under duress.”

With his trademark billow of robes, the Potions Master stepped through the floo and into his private rooms. He immediately walked over to his liquor cabinet and poured himself a stiff drink. Sipping it, he walked around his study musingly, trying to imagine the changes that would be made to it to accommodate his bride. He realized that her rooms would have to be hidden, because certainly Lucius Malfoy would be coming to pay him a visit to see how married life is treating him, and to carry word back to the Dark Lord. They would have to appear to be happy newlyweds. Severus shuddered. Knowing Malfoy, he’d try to get a little piece of the Gryffindor himself, since he was a ‘brother”. He could easily back him off because of Dumbledore. But this was still more trouble than it was worth. He hoped Miss Granger appreciated what he was doing for her.


”What? Professor Snape? Oh, my gods, Headmaster…isn’t there anyone else? Lupin? Even Flitwick?” Hermione asked, horrified.

“Lupin’s pureblood, but a werewolf, so that cuts him off. Flitwick is already married. Besides, neither could offer you the protection Severus can, Miss Granger. I am afraid you will have to marry him,” Albus said.

Hermione dropped her head in her hand for a moment. Professor Snape for a husband. Then her head snapped up.

“Headmaster, I wouldn’t have to…” she started to ask him.

“No, my dear. You don’t have to consummate the marriage, although the Ministry expects you to bear a child within three years of the nuptials. Most likely, the Marriage Law will be repealed by then. So you don’t have to worry about that unless you and Severus are married more than two years. Which I highly doubt,” Albus said kindly.

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