Chapter 3: He's Coming...

Comincia dall'inizio

"OMG! Z! What's wrong!? Why are you out so late??" I pulled her inside. I walked her to the living room where everyone else were. Looking over at my dad, I gasped. I saw he had a dart on the side of his neck. On the dart was written, "Sleep"

I ran over to my mother. She, as well, had a dart stuck to her neck. I began to notice that not all 4 of my family members were in the room. Looking around I saw that my older sister and my young sister were missing. "Ganine! Alyssa! Where are you guys!?!?"

I've got to admit, although my sisters were annoying, and rude at times, they were still my family.

Remembering my friend Z, I looked back at her. I was confused to see her pointing at me. Out of nowhere, a bunch of creepy looking robots break in. I ran for the kitchen, and got my broom. I took out the sweeper part, and had the staff in my hand. "Thank goodness that I know how to fight a bit with a staff!" I thought trying to remain optimistic in the situation. I waited for the right moment for the robots to attack.

One robot ran at me. Swiftly, I moved out of the way and I swifted under the robot with my leg, making it trip over. I twirled the staff around, and got to my fighting position. This time, two robots came at me. I held up my staff, and ran at the robots, trying to push them back. Unfortuantly for me, the few couple of robots manage to grab my staff and tossed it far from my reach.

I ran for upstairs, with them on my tail.

(Witchcraft: by Nightcore)

It's in your eyes, a color fade out
Looks like a new transition
The starting up and shaking your ground
Turning your head to see a new day calling

I went to my parents room, and into their closet. I searched for a sword, that my parents got when we went on a vacation to Turkey. They had two swords but, the big one was heavier. I found the lighter one, and unsheathed it. I've never actually used a sword, usually I practice fighting with nerf swords. Hope to see if my nerf sword practicing had payed off.

Does it feel like a head to lean on?
A snapshot from where you were born
I'm looking for your hand in the rough
You're caught in the wire
Well, I'll lift you out

I heard bang's on my parents bedroom door. The robots started to signal others saying, "WE NEED BACK UP! I REPEAT, WE NEED BACKUP!" I cursed under my breath.

Leading on the action
Caught in a cell phone's rays...

Robots were trying to break in. I steadied myself, and got to my fighting position. I had a plan in mind but, I'm praying it'll work. Hope this will buy me some time to get out and find out what the heck is going on.

Bleeding on a sofa
Staring at the waistline...

They broke in, and I ran and pushed them aside. Going downstairs, I stopped myself. A couple of more robots were banging the front door. "This day just gets better...." I thought, irritated. I thought up and idea quickly, and went in the garage.

He's coming and she knows it
Even though she knows why

Footsteps in the hallway
Girl, you haven't got time!

Opening the large garage car doors, and closing the regular sized door, the robots outside followed the sound and went around into the garage. I closed the giant garage car doors, and locked the regular size door. I went over to the front door and ran into the neighborhood streets, where robots were kinda everywhere.

You gotta get out
Go far away!
You gotta get out
Go far awaaay!

I kept running, until I saw some robots taking some kids, who were probably drugged asleep, out of their house. I didnt know them, but they ride my bus. To be honest, I've never been terrified since, Five Nights At Freddys. Foxy really freaked me out when he was running at me.

"IT IS NOT NICE, TO KIDNAP CHILDREN!!!" I grabbed some random rock and threw it at the robots. The robots stopped and looked at me with glowing red eyes (Frozen reference anyone?), "ALL ROBOTS AVALIABLE IN THE AREA, WE NEED BACK UP! HUMAN RESISTING!!!!"

"Oh no..." I thought. I readied my sword. I know I'm not going to make it, but its worth a shot.

Darkness in the bedroom
Maybe she is resting up,

A rock just dropped in my stomache, as I saw more robots, guessing about 53 of them flying towards me. Hey, at least I was lucky enough to get past the 5.

Maybe she was out late
Just come back from the club.

All I remembered, was fighting and fighting. I began to get tired, and worn out. The robots were surrounding me, trying to stop me.

I can't hear her breathing
Something doesn't seem right

Then, I saw a fimiliar face.

Killer in the hallway
We're living on a set time

I couldve sworn I remember it before...

We gotta get out
Go far away!

Not only that but.....

You gotta get out
Go far away....

I had to stop fighting. Otherwise, I would have to fight him. He was the last thing I saw, before robots formed a dog pile on me and knocked my lights out. Last thing I heard that worried,

"He's Here...."

Snow: "Well...This has got to be the far worst chapter, and story I ever made!!! ;_;

Swift:"It's not that bad!"

Snow:"No! You dont understand!!! My mind doesnt work very well at night, and i've really needed to get it done for my fellow readers!!!!" *Curls up in a ball and goes to a dark corner, depressed.*

Swift:" ^^' uhhh....welll....Thanks fur reading and see ya' guys in the next chapter!!!"

Snow:"With the chapters I put out so far??? I think not!!! ;_;"

(Authors Note)

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for typing it in so late, I've got High school and all. Failing my math class (-_- not surprised). Anyway's, thank you all for the wait, and I am rather sorry for the crappy typos. I really did finish this at night, and my brain does not function well at night. I posted this at 11:23 PM and I've gotta get up @ 4 in the morning now. Anyway's I will go back and fix these typos and bad grammar mistakes. Thanks Again! :)


His World (A Sonic FanFic + OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora