Ch.2 Michael

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Hand holding, sharing food, snuggling during nap time. Everything we could do together,  Jeremy and I would do.

We were best friends, better friends than most of the other kids in the class. And I thought it was amazing.

I felt as if I could tell Jeremy everything, and hoped that he felt like he could tell me anything. We were great!

Then, Mr. Drew noticed Jeremy and I. He noticed the hand holding, the snuggles, the food sharing. He notices it all.

He stopped it all. He moved me to Mrs. Andry's class and kept the two of us separated.

One day, I went home crying because the kids in Mrs. Andry's class were just so, so mean. I couldn't take it.

And my mom got mad. Asked why I was moved from Mr. Drew to Mrs. Andry's class. Turns out, they hadn't even run it by her first.

And mom was pissed.

I stood behind her and watched as she stormed into Mr. Drew's room and demanded answers. As we walked into, or stormed in, we saw Mr. Murphy, Jeremy's dad.

I saw Jeremy in the corner, crying into his knees. I went over and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Jeremy... you okay," I waited for an answer and when I did get one I got more worried.

I looked over at Jeremy and he seemed to be ignoring me, or something similar. I go in to hug him, only to be pushed away.

I stare at him, pain written all over my face.

"He said it was wrong," Jeremy's voice sounded so... broken. "Mr. Drew said that we'd go to hell and that I shouldn't do that anymore. That we shouldn't."

"What'd he say that about," I asked. Jeremy looked up at me, tears still rolling down his face.

"The hand holding, the snuggles, everything! It's called gay and it's a sin," Jeremy yells at me.

I feel a stab go through my heart and stare at Jeremy again, having no words. Jeremy stands up and runs over to his dad.

He goes into his dad's lap and hug him. Jeremy cried into him and I felt my heart ache. I can't do anything to help.

I close my eyes and turn to face the wall. I scoot into the corner, still facing the wall, and straddle my knees.

I rested my head on my knees and cried. I didn't make any noise while I did, I didn't even move a bit.

I was scared. I knew all about hell. The torture, the pain, the suffering. I don't want to go through that.

After a few minutes, I finish crying and get tired. A few more minutes pass and I'm out cold, asleep in the corner.

I don't know what happened after that, as when I woke up, I was at home. I don't know what was said, what happened to Jeremy, nothing.

And I didn't question it until a few days later, when Jeremy started pulling away.

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